1 object 5 shots

For this project, I choose three different objects and took five different angled shots for each. A challenge for this project was trying to find different angles that show the whole object. My hardest photograph was of a person because it was hard to make them stay still. This project helped me see things from different points of view. A link to get to my other objects is here

5 Angles

For this project when we had to take pictures of objects and one person from five different angles. A challenge for this project was having to find an object that you would be able to find different angles of, and the angles wouldn’t be the same. The hardest object for me to take a picture of was the trash can because it’s a round object all around, so it would be hard to find different angles. This project helped me learn what different angles are and what angles are similar. Here is a link to all my images.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this project we needed to take 3 objects, and take 5 pictures of them each, but with all different angles. The hardest part of this project was figuring out what angle to try to take the picture in, and deciding what the best pictures were. The hardest “object” to photograph for me was my cat, because she kept moving, and I wanted her to be in the same position for all the pictures. This project helped me see that there are many different angles that you can take pictures in, that makes your photo look better, and more professional. This was my favorite picture: 

To see all my other photos, click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

A challenge during this project was trying to get the bottom angle on most objects. You had to go into strange positions just to get an angle that satisfies you. I think the person was hard to take because they have to stay in that position so it’s hard. This project kept giving me ideas where to get more pictures for upcoming projects.

School Supplies

To see the rest of my photos, click here.

1 object, 5 shots

For this assignment I had to find 2 object and 1 person to take picture in 5 different perspective. For me I think there was no challenges. The hardest part was to get an idea for the perspective. this project help me take better picture and to make it look much more professional. to see all my pictures click here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this project we had to find 3 objects, and for each object take a photo from five different angles. A challenge for me was getting an angle from below or a low angle because it was hard to make sure the picture was good while holding the camera low. A person was the hardest to photograph, because it was hard not to get an angle that looked weird. This project helped me learn how to get good shots in ways I didn’t think of doing before. You can find my photos here.

1 object 5 shots

For this project we had to take five photo’s of a object from angles most wouldn’t look from. We had to use 2 objects and 1 person. The challenging thing for me was to take 5 pics of a person. I couldn’t find anyone to help me out. This project helped me take photo’s from a cool new angle. These are my fave pics:

My little brother

The rest of my pics are here.

5 Shots

We had to take pictures of 3 objects, but each with 5 angles. The challenges of this was trying to find a 5th angle, because I would get 4, but would have to think about the 5. Also, it was hard getting pictures from the bottom. The hardest object to photograph was the grass, because it was hard getting on the ground and getting quality pictures. This project helped me understand that there are different angles than the common facing forward.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

5 Shots

In this assignment I had to take 5 different pictures of 3 different still objects (one had to be a human) from 5 different camera angles. The hardest part of this assignment was trying to get all 5 different camera angles. My chair picture was the hardest to photograph because it was in a corner so I had to find a way to get pictures from the back of the chair without having myself in the picture. The project helped me learn more creative ways to take pictures.  

Click To See My Photos Here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment I had to get 3 objects and take 5 different pictures. The challenge of this project was getting 5 different angles for one object without doing the same angle. the hardest one was probably Zach because it was hard not taking the same picture. This project helped me understand that some angles make an object look better. For my photos come here