2 objects (and 1 person), 15 shots (one object, 5 shots)

For this project, we had the 2 objects, and one person, and we have to take them in five different angles. for me, i took shots of bananas, the fan, and myself. (i still cringe when i see that picture) the hard part, finding different angles, and making sure that my shadow doesn’t appear. the easy part,this project helped me to find interesting different angles to take pictures from. you can see the rest of my photos here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this week’s project we had to find three objects and take 5 shots in different angles.  The challenging part of the project was to find different angles.  The hardest object to photograph was the white board because the white board was hung up and it was huge.  This project helped me learn about different angles I didn’t even know about.    If you want to see the rest of my 15 pictures then click here.

5 Shots

For my project I was assigned to take pictures of 1 person and three other objects(five photos each).One challenge I faced was taking pictures of the red stairs on the stage in the cafeteria.The difficult part was the lighting and the way I had to position the camera and get angles that looked nice.Also finding interesting objects to take pictures of was also difficult.This project has helped me position my camera in ways that I didn’t even know was considered an angle.Overall this project was generally pretty.I have learned a lot more about cameras.You can find the rest of my photos Here  

5 Shots

In this project, I had to take pictures of 2 objects and 1 person. I had to take 5 different pictures of each object, from 5 different angles. The challenge of this project was finding angles that did not look similar. In some pictures, they look similar enough, even though they are from different angles. The hardest object to photograph was the person. I didn’t want to make the pictures look very similar, even if they were all taken from the front. This project helped me to realize that there is not just one way or angle to take a picture and make it look interesting. To see the rest of my pictures, click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In my assignment I had to take five shots of 3 different objects without moving them from different views of that object. A challenge that I faced with this assignment was founding a good views for the object. My hardest object to photograph was the fridge cause I had to climb around the fridge to get good shots as well it was against the wall so I lost a view for the photo. It help see that you can get better pictures if you change the view  of where the camera is. 

You can see the rest off my photos here.

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment, we were told to take a picture of an object from 5 different angles. During this project, a problem I had was coming up with different ideas for angles and places to take the pictures from. The plant was the hardest because it was in a corner so I couldn’t move all the way around it. This project taught me a lot about taking good photos. If you want to see my photos, click here

1 object; 5 photos

For this assignment I was required to take 15 photos, of 3 different objects, all from different angles. The most difficult photos to take were of my younger brother, because he can never stay still for more than 3 seconds! My biggest challenge was finding unique objects that contain different parts to photograph, if that makes any sense whatsoever! I can definitely say this project helped me and challenged me to explore different angles on objects, humans, and even plants! In the very end I learned what angles look best on different objects/people. 

Click https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-8vAzh_ygvDIeLbMy2__yfdO6Qoa8u0r  to see all 15 of my photos!

1 Object 5 Photos

In the project 1 Object 5 Photos I had to take five photos of  two stationary objects and one person. I walked around the classroom and went outside to take photos. A challenge for me in this project was finding angles to take my photos from.  It is surprisingly hard not to take a photo straight on. Caroline was the hardest object to photography. It was hard to get good angles and she kept laughing! This project helped me see that most of the photos I take are straight on and not at an angle. You can see the rest of my photos here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment I had to take 15 pictures of 3 different objects. For each object I had to take 5 pictures at different angles. A challenge of this project was trying to find 5 different positions of the object that looked interesting. Taking pictures of my pencil was the most challenging object to take pictures of since it was a very small object. This project helped me learn how to take pictures of objects at different angles instead of just taking them in one position. My favorite picture is displayed below. You can find the rest of my picture here.