1 Object, 5 shots

In my assignment I had to take five pictures Of 3 different objects with out moving the object.A challenge I had was getting a shot from the top because of heights. My hardest objects was to get the picture just right. It helped me understand views of pictures.
You can see the rest of my photos here. 

1 Object, 5 Shots

For the assignment 1 Object. 5 Shots we had to find 2 objects and 1 person to take pictures of. We had to take 5 shots of each object and person in different angles. It was challenging to get 5 different shots of one object. This project taught me how to get different angles of an object to make the picture look better. See the rest of my pictures here

5 Shots

In this project I had to find an object and take 5 pictures from different angles. A challenge during this project was finding an object that actually has 5 different angles, and not having your arms or legs in the photo. The hardest object to photograph was the “vine” because for one of the photos I  needed to move the “vine” so that it would look like the raindrops were just sitting there. This project helped me realize that one object can be seen from so many perspectives. You can find the rest of my photos here.

1 object, 5 shots

Our next assignment was taking 5 different photos with different angles of 3 objects. One challenge was figuring out what angles to do and how the lighter was. The hardest object to take photos of was my sister. She had to stay perfectly still and in the same pose for a long period of time. It helped me become a better photographer by opening me to more angles to take photos. Click here for more photos.

5 shots

In this assignment we had to take 5 different angles of a object. One of the challenges I had was to get a good angle by having it not be the same like the others. It was hard to do the ceiling since its higher then me and it has a flat surface. This project helped me learn how to take pictures perfectly. Here is an link of my different photos 

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment we had to find 2 objects and a person and take 5 pictures of each object from different angles. The challenges were finding a person i can take a picture. Also the person was the hardest because they had to stand still and it was hard for my person. This project helped me learn that you don’t have to use the same angle for every Picture. here

5 Shots

In this project I had to take 15 photos of 3 different objects from 5 different angles. One had to be a person and the other two had to be two different items. The most difficult thing about this project was to find the items to take a picture of there wasn’t much in the school that had inspired me to use as my photo. The hardest picture to take was the one of the book because i had to put it in one position and the pages keep moving and the book was falling and it was set up on the table so there wasn’t a lot of angles. This project challenged me in a good way and helped me explore different angles of objects.

See my photos here.

5 Shots

During this assignment, we had to take 5 pictures each of three, unmoved objects. It sounds pretty straight forward and simple, however the purpose of the lesson is for each photo to be at a different angle and camera position. This means that each photo has to show a different side or view of the object without moving it, but only moving the camera around. The challenging part of the project was to get the camera into a position so I could take a picture of (mostly the back) of the objects. It was very fun and interesting to see how the background, source of lighting, and position influenced each outcome of the photo. My favorite set of photos are the ones with my sister in it because she is the best person in my life. The assignment helped me know how to make pictures more eye-catching and interesting to look at. I really enjoyed this project and can’t wait to see what I’ll have to do next!                                                                                                             -Marie Valouiski

Here’s the link for my photos.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this project we had to take a picture of 1 person and 4 objects.   Click here to see the rest of my photos. A challenge during this project was making sure I had the right angles and I had to make sure they were good. The object that was the hardest was the bench because it stays in a rectangular form. This project helped me discover new and better angles.