5 Shots

In this assignment, my partner and I had to take 5 shots of one object in different angles, but for 3 different objects, including one person. (Total of 15 pics) This project was mostly easy but the only hard part was getting 5 different angles without actually moving the object. None of the objects were hard to take pictures of, but overall this project helped me figure out how to take better pictures. Click here!

I object, 5 shots

For this project we had to take pictures of 3 different objects and one of them had to be a person. We had to take 5 pictures from 5 different angles, and you had to do that for every object you used. One thing that was hard was finding 5 different angles for each picture. For me the hardest thing to find was the person because everybody kept moving.This project helped me learn how to take better pictures of people and objects and it helped me learn the different angles of different things.

Click here to see my pictures.

5 shots

for this assignment I had to take 5 different angles of 2 objects and 1 person. One challenge I faced was finding different angles. the hardest object I had to do was the shoes. the shoes were the hardest because you had to get behind the boot and under it. This project helped me learn that there are so many camera angles you can work with to take good photos.

click here to see my photos

5 Shots

What I had to do to make this project was to go around my school and get two object and one person and get different angels of them. The challenge of doing this project was getting the five angels without doing the same object more than one time. The hardest photo I did was taking a picture of one of my objects because the objects did not have as much angels. this project helped me understand angels better.

click here to see my photos

5 Angle Photos

In this project students had to pick an object and get five different pictures with 5 different angles of the same object being stationary. The challenge was finding different angles that were actually good to make the picture itself look good. The hardest object to photograph was probably the person because you had to find a good lighting place for the picture. This project was really helpful to help find how pictures can be better with different angles.

Click here to see my photos

5 Shots Pd.7

In this project we took 15 pictures. 5 pictures of different angles of one object. And 3 objects in total. I did this by moving an object and taking pictures all around it. One of the pictures had to be a person and we also had to take 5 different angled pictures of them. One of the hardest things to do in this project was finding all the angles to take the pictures.

Click here to see my photos

3 Objects 5 Photos Each

The project assignment was to take pictures of 3 objects (2 people) and take five pictures of different angles for each picture. The most challenging thing for this project is was finding 5 different angles for each object. The hardest thing to photograph was the plant because I couldn’t find a good under angle. This project taught me how to find more angles than just the standard one way angle.

Click here to see my photos.

5 Shots

In this project we had to take pictures of 3 different objects (1 had to be a person) in 5 different angles. Thinking of the different angles was probably the most challenging part of the project was thinking of the different angles. The hardest object to photograph was the crayons because there was a limited number of angles I could of done. Now I feel like i’m more creative in taking pictures and I can make my photos more interesting.

Click here for the rest of my photos

5 shots!

5 Shots!, 5 shots is a project that we just did we are supposed to take photos of two objects and one person but not just one ordinary picture. We are supposed to take 5 photos in 5 different angles! One easy part of this project was to find the object/person (I worked with Nicole). One challenging part of this project was to take five angles of the object/person. I kept trying to find how I could take it but luckily at last I did. Overall this was a fun project, we could see how many angles we can take for an object! To see the rest of my photos click here!

5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to take pictures of three objects and take 5 pictures of them at different angles. One of the challenges I faced during this project was the camera. The pictures taken of the camera were blurry and I had no idea why. The easiest object to take was the calculator because it was something I owned so it was easy to find. Click here to see all my 15 photos.