5 Shots

For the 5 shots assignment, we were asked to pick 3 objects, one of which had to be a person. We had to take 5 shots of the 3 objects from different angles without moving the object. One of the challenging parts of this project was when I had to take a picture of a person(Harel). He did not do a good job of standing still. The easiest part of the project was finding an object to take pictures of. I learned that angles aren’t the same thing as moving your camera, it is tilting and rotating it to get the right photograph. See the rest of my pictures here.

1 Object, 5 shots

In this project, I had to take 5 pictures of a person, and each picture must be from a different angle. One challenge I had during this project was finding 5 different angles for each object. The hardest object to photograph was the pencil because it was so small that in some angles you couldn’t see it. This project helped me realize that taking pictures from more than 1 angle can make your pictures much more exciting.

Click here to see the rest of my pictures!

5 shots

This is a picture of my model Kameran<3

In this project we had to take 3 pictures on having to be a human, and had to take its in 5 different angles. in this project you had to find the right object to take a picture and then right place so you have 5 angles that was a challenge in my opinion. Definitely Kameran she was difficult, she couldn’t stop laughing when we tried to take a picture of her, it was super funny. I believe that this helped me find different angles and that made other options when I take other pictures. the main picture above was my favorite picture of all and the first, if you would like to see them all click here !

5 Shots

For this assignment I had to take 5 photos from different angles of 3 different objects. A challenge during this project was thinking of all the different angles. The hardest object to photograph was the plant because there were a lot of people walking by. This project helped me realize that there are so many angles to take pictures at.

Click here to see my photos

1 Object 5 shots

With this assignment it is very hard at first but after you found a spot it was easy. You had to find 3 objects and 5 shots of them each in different angles, which would make a total of 15 pictures. This assignment’s hardest object was the camera because of the of I didn’t know which shots I should have taken. This project taught me how to take different shots at different angles that are kinda odd but they worked out.

Click here for my pictures.

5 Shots

For this project I had to take 3 different objects an position them in ways where I could take 5 different shots with creative camera angles. It was challenging to get all 5 camera angles without repeating the same one. The hardest object to photograph was a person because it was difficult to include such a large object in every photo. This project helped me to see different angles and views. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

1 Object, 5 Shots

in this assignment, we had to choose 2 objects and 1 person (or 1 object and 2 people) and you had to get 5 different angles of each picture. The challenge for me in this project was figuring out the 5 angles that I needed. in my opinion, the 1 person that I had to take a picture of was harder because there really was no way of getting an angle from under them and with the objects, it was much easier to get pictures from under because they were much smaller. this project helped me get better with finding more angles to work with when i am using a camera. click here to see my photos

5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to take pictures of five angles but with one object. We had to take a total of fifteen pictures with the three objects we’ve chosen. A challenging part that I faced with this assignment was figuring out the five angles for just one object. My hardest object was the drum sets because the object was in a really tight space and it was hard to take different angels. This project helped me find new angles for different objects. Click here to see my photos

1 objects, 5 shots

In this assignment, students had to find 2 objects and 1 person to photograph using different camera angles. Finding five different camera angles was a very big challenge during this project. The most challenging object to take a picture of was a person because it was hard for them to stay still. This project helped me explore different camera angles that would compliment the photo even better.

Click here to see more of my photos

5 Shots

click here for photos

For this assignment we had to take five photos of 3 objects each. one was to be a person and the other 2 had to be objects. These photos had to be put in different angles which show others perspective of it. One of the hardest parts of this project was taking pictures of the shoes. for this you had to find different angles and move around to find the perfect picture. This project help me find different positions, lighting, and backgrounds for future photos.