5 Shots

For this assignment We had to take pictures of 3 different objects 1 being a person from 5 different angles. The difficult part of this project was getting 5 different angles. The hardest object to take pictures of was my cat because he kept moving. This project helped me to see how one thing can look so different from another angle. You can see the rest of my photos Here

1 Object, Five Shots

In this assignment, I was required to take photos of three objects (one being another person), five photos each. One challenge I faced was photographing the water bottle and making the shots different and interesting. The water bottle, therefore, was the hardest object to photograph because it looked almost the same from all sides

1 Object 5 Shots

We had to take 5 pictures of 3 objects that had 5 different angles basically a total of 15 pictures.A challenge was trying to find a different angle for each object.The hardest object to take a picture of was the fan because the angles kind of look alike and I was worried that I took the same pictures over and over again.This project helped me learn that you don’t only have to take a picture with one  simple angle.



1 object 5 shots

To see the rest of my photos click here: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipMLbvSBC3nGkZ42MEsYhHyKtD-a4wiaZnYZsyJU

This project was about finding 3 objects and moving around to get different pictures. One challenge of this project was finding what to take pictures of because you have to move around a lot. The hardest thing to shoot was the tissue box because of its shape and position. This project helped me try out different angles for taking pictures.

5 Shots

During this assignment I had to take 5 pictures from different angles on each object. One challenge was finding someone who wanted to be my person object. The person was the hardest to photograph because they kept moving. this helped me find the best angle to take pictures.

5 Shots

To see all of my posts, click here:


In this assignment we walked around the building and took photos at 5 different angles. We had to use two objects and one person. One challenge in this assignment was to take photos in high definition at different angles. The hardest to photograph was Laith. He was the hardest because he moved a lot.

5 shots

We had to take 3 objects and take 5 pictures of each of the objects at 5 different angels. Finding creative angles was the most difficult part. Gabriela  was the hardest thing to takes photos of because of the angles were hard to locate. This project helped me be more creative.

Click here to see the rest of my photos:


5 Shots

In this project, I had to take pictures of two objects and one person from five different angles. The challenge was finding the perfect lighting on the object. Taking a picture of Anthony was challenging because he had ton stay in the same position. This project helped me realize that there are a lot of different angles you can take photos from.

Here is the link to the rest of my photos:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/gdauBG8se3E5t7Sw1