24 Crayons


This project was a project where students had to take pictures of crayon with a matching color inside and outside of the school. The challenges of this project was finding a good match for the crayon. I found it easy for taking the picture itself and making sure it was okay. My favorite picture that I took is probably the one below.

click here to see my photos

24 colors

Click here to see my posts. The assignment we had to do was taking a picture of 24 crayons and find a matching color in the environment. I found it a a fun but challenging assignment. It was hard to find pinks and purples in the hallway of school. I found a lot of blacks and not that many bright colors. It was pretty easy to find blues which is good as there are a lot of blues.

24 Colors

We had to take pictures of crayons next to a matching color in our school. Finding matching colors for all crayons. Taking Pictures. The one with the blue sky. Thank you for looking at my new project:)

Click here for pictures

24 Colors

In this assignment, we looked around our school, inside and out! I think this was very fun to walk around and play with angles to get a perfect picture. Some challenges while doing this project was getting perfect colors. Also when we went outside, it was very difficult for the crayons to stay in place as the wind was blowing and kept moving the crayon. It was easy to find most colors cause they are obvious and very common.

My favorite photo was the one with the blue sky with the blue crayon.

Click here to see my photos

24 Colors

For this assignment we took a box of 24 crayons and took 24 different pictures of each crayon. We found different things and backgrounds that had the same color as the crayon and took pictures. The point of the project was to find color around the school that would match the crayon colors. one challenging part of this assignment was finding all 24 of the colors, because sometimes you thought they were the same color but once you tried to take the picture they were two different colors. One thing that was easy, was finding the colors blue, gray and white because those are our school crayons.

Click here to see my photos

24 Colors

In this assignment I had a box of 24 crayons. I walked around the school looking for the best color matches for every crayon. The most challenging part of this assignment was finding exact color matches. The easier part of this assignment was finishing the pictures on time because we were provided enough time in class. My favorite picture is the one below. Click here to view the rest.