24 Colors

My assignment was to match the color of each crayon in a box of 24 colors to real objects that are the same colors. The hardest part of this project was finding and object that was the exact same color as light green. The easiest part of the project was matching an object with the color black. Here are the rest of my photos.: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gTbftUIbCgfPWgPX2

color: blue


color:violet red

color: orange

24 Colors

This assignment required us to creatively match 24 crayons to the colors we found in the world around us. Each crayon was captured in a photograph in which the background or object represented that certain color. Throughout the project, I overcame several challenges such as finding particular shades of the crayons we were given. For example, searching for tertiary colors including blue-violet, blue-green, violet-red, yellow-green, yellow-orange, and red-orange was difficult since these are one-of-a-kind colors. In addition, creatively placing the crayons and taking the pictures with a unique angle was tough. However, finding primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) as well as secondary colors (purple, orange, and green) was easy. Also, it was simple to insert my brand logo in each of my pictures and edit them on Adobe Fireworks.


24 Colors

We were assigned a project to take 24 pictures with 24 different types of colors. The 4 below are my favorite. What was difficult was finding a shade of peach, but going around and exploring the other colors were easy to find. It was a very enjoyable project, because you were not really restrained by anything and could experiment.


Box of 24 COLORS

These are my photos from the Box Of Colors project. We had to take a box of 24 crayons and match up the colors to everyday objects. It was challenging to do some of the colors you can’t find in nature or around you. It was very challenging to do the red violet because you can’t find anything that looks like it. It is not a basic color or a color found in nature. It was also very difficult to tell apart the oranges and the blues once you took the picture because it is hard to distinguish them without coloring with them, and even harder to distinguish them on a screen. It was easy to do basic colors like red, green, brown, black, and white. I learned a lot about photography and colors from this project.


Crayon Photos Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Fx1gs7MXJ2n55xzO2

Apricot Crayon
Dandelion Crayon
Red-Orange Crayon
Black Crayon

24 Colors

In this project our challenge was to match 24 crayons to 24 objects of the same color. This project presented many challenges and frustrations such as finding a color only to find out it is off by just one shade.  The project on paper seems pretty easy, find some crayons and match them,  but in reality it’s quite difficult. The easiest color to find was scarlet while the hardest color to find was indigo. This project makes you realize how much color there is in the world.

Here’s the link to the rest of my photos:







24 colors

Last week my class had an assignment where we had to go out and take 24 pictures of crayons that match any item you can find. There were many challenges in this project such as matching the right color, finding the right lighting, and adding the logo. The hardest color I tried to match was the green yellow that matched with the Play Doh I found in my house. This project was lots of trial and error. The easiest color to match was probably black or white. All my other photos are in the link below!


24 colors-Xavier

These are some of my pictures. The challenge was to find places with colors that match with some crayons. It was fun seeing how creative we could get to match each colors. The hardest colors to get were all the shades of orange, neon pink, and brown. This was so hard because most of the colors I found were blues and red, you know, usual colors so the absurd colors were hard to find.  My favorite photos were green yellow and brown because those almost match perfectly. This project was really fun and you can find more at the link below.



24 colors

Finding 24 different colors isn’t always easy. The way I did it is by looking around my school and matching up all of the different colors I had. I then edited my photos on FIREWORKS and then added my logo  to the photo and published it to google photos.  It was hard to find all the different oranges and blue because there are so many different kinds!! The easiest thing was to find the plain colors like red, green and brown.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/CEDXDT5xliCaYLkj1



24 colors

The assignment 24 colors was kinda challenging because the colors was very hard to find and the easy part was finding where to place the crayon for the picture. Another challenge was  to see if the colors matched on camera. But overall the assignment was  fun even with the challenges.



color: orange

color: yellow green



color: blue



color: grey


24 Colors

This project was challenging in many different ways. Finding the exact colors that match the crayons was very difficult because everyday objects are not bright, but finding some colors were very easy. Finding white, black, orange and blue were easy because they were around every corner of the school. I found this project very fun because we got to roam around the school and look around every inch of the walls and floor.
