24 Colors

In this project, I walked around the campus of Lake lands Park Middle School and used a box of 24 colors of crayons. I found colors within the school that matched the crayons, and took pictures of the crayons with those backgrounds behind them.


Below are two examples



Color project

My assignment was to take 24 photos of objects that match crayon colors. The project had some challenges to it, for example, some of the different shades of purple was hard to find. There was also some easy parts of it, for example, the black, grey, brown, and white were very easy to find because they can be very common.

Below are 2 of my favorite photos from the album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uuO3XiOBzJPpDemz2


24 Colors

See the rest of my pictures here!


24 Colors was an assignment in which we took a 24 box of crayons and looked around our world for colors that matched it.  This was meant to make us look for the color in our everyday life.  The 24 Colors project was fairly easy, but I still had a few problems.  A few colors like orange and purple where hard to find within the confines of the school.  Therefore I had to take pictures after school to find all the colors that I needed.  But the rest of the pack was easy enough to find withing school.  I found this project enjoyable, and I look forward to future projects in this class.














24 colors

During this assignment we had to use a pack of 24 crayons and find colors to match the color of the crayons. Some of the challenges of this project were finding matches for the apricot and different shade of oranges. I thought these were difficult because outside all the leaves were all brown and there are not a lot of orange stuff around the school. I really thought it was easily to find neutral crayons like black and white. Though colors seemed really common throughout the school.


Check out the rest of my photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ov3I8YOa063dRXgu2


24 Crayons


In this project, we bought a box of 24 crayons and placed them in an environment of the same or similar color. The project was rather easy for me, but it was kind of hard to find the ‘apricot’ color and there were lots of shades of blue and purple. It was easy to find the black, white, and brown crayons because those colors are everywhere. Overall, I enjoyed the project and I hope other classes in the future will get to do it too.  My two favorite photos are below, and the link to my others is above, enjoy!

24 Colors

In this project we had to match a whole box of crayons (there are 24 crayons in each box) to objects of the same color near our school and/or houses. Finding the exact shades of all the crayons was very challenging, especially finding all the different blues and reds. The easiest color to find a match with was black because there are black things all over the school (fences, computers, wires, etc) the hardest color to find was red violet because there aren’t many things that color in nature or in the school. The rest of my photos are in the link below.


24 Colors

In this project my challenge was to match to 24  colors to 24 other objects. The easy part about matching the colors is that we could find the colors outside of class. The hardest part was finding the purple colors because they made the object i matched it to lighter then it was.

color: RED

color: GRAY

color: BLUE

color: PINK



24 Colors

For this project we had to find 24 colors around the school that correlates to a crayon box.  It was easy to find the basic neural colors.  It was hard to find an exact match to the colors.

