24 Crayons

For this project we used a box of 24 crayons And we had to find a matching color and take a picture of it. the challenges was finding some of the colors like purple or pink. i found that getting the right/perfect angle wasnt that hard and i tried my best to get good photos.




24 colors

In this project, we had to buy a box of 24 crayons and take pictures as we went around the school matching crayons to the same color. Finding the same exact color was a challenge because some of the colors were really unique. I thought taking the photos and matching some of the more basic colors (ROYGBIV) was easy because they were around the school. My favorite 2 pictures are below and the rest are in the link.


24 Crayons

This is the 24 crayon project. In the project we had to take a picture of a crayon next to an object  and the colors have to match. I found it challenging to match a few of the colors with objects. It was easy to actually take the photos in high definition. These are my two favorite photos from the project.


24 Colors

For this project  we need to find a matching color to a crayon. We need to find 24 colors. The challenge of the project was to find colors like purples and orange and find a way to place the crayon. The easy part is the colors like blue and gray.


My Photos




For this assignment, we had to take a box of 24 crayons and find an object that matched the color of the crayon. I thought the color tan was the most challenging to find and overall finding most of the colors to match almost perfectly. I found taking the picture and the color black and white very easy to find and capture a picture.

To see the rest of my photos go to this   

link:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/WARWGwjiJIxWCnm22

24 Colors

For this project I had to go out into the world with a box of 24 crayons. I had to match up each of the 24 crayons with a corresponding color outside. The most challenging part of this project was finding a match for some of the weird colors. Also I had to find a way to take my pictures without holding the crayon up to the surface. What was easy was that I could go anywhere in the world that I wanted to find these colors.


Here are my favorites:


See the rest of my photos here!: https://photos.app.goo.gl/edNP4hDm6fwCOjfG2

24 colors

For this assignment we had to take pictures of 24 crayons with a color that matched them. The challenges in this project was first finding the photo, then positioning the crayon in it to make the photo visually appealing. I thought taking the pictures and using angles was pretty easy.

You can see the rest of my photos here:


24 colors


I had to go out and try to match the color of a crayon to an object. It was hard to find colors to match exactly the same at first. I went in to different classroom and found that ms Hoovers room has a lot of color so that made it much easier. My 2 favorite pictures are the green crayon on top of a leaf and a white crayon on top of a fan.