1 Object, 5 Shots

Click Herehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=17bNmAhjjfJ_Z7ejpyFJFau78XoAWopK1

Basically you have to take 5 photos of one object from 5 different angles. We had to find 3 objects and take 5 photos. What I found challenging was finding different objects and take 5 photos in different angles. Taking the photos wasn’t hard at all. This assignment showed me that you should take many photos of the same object and different angles because they help you find a nice angle that you like.

1 object, 5 shots

For this project we had to choose 1 object and take 5 different pictures, all from different angles. We had to do this for 3 different objects, and one of them had to be a person. The biggest challenge of this project was the lighting. Many of the places where I tried to take pictures had yellow lighting, so I had to use my resources to overcome this challenge. The easiest part of this project was figuring out the angles to take the pictures at. The hardest object to photograph was my water bottle because since it is small I had to get on the floor to take some of the shots from a lower angle.

link to all my other photos

1 object, 5 shots

In this assignment we had to take pictures of objects, but get 5 different camera angles of the object. I think a challenge for me was thinking of 5 different angles to use for the photo. I think the hardest picture to take a photo of in 5 different angles was somebody wearing a pair of shoes because it harder to get good angles. This project showed me how to take pictures without using the same angle over and over again.

Click here if you want to see more

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment you had to pick 3 objects take 5 different angle pictures. One of them had to be a person. The challenge during this was figuring out the angles to take the pictures.you could not repeat any angle for an object. The hardest object to take pictures of was my water bottle because I had to have someone hold it up to take a picture under it. This helped learn to take different types of pictures.

Click here for my other photos

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this project we had to take pictures of 3 different objects (one of them being a person). We had to take 5 photos from 5 different angles of each object. One challenge that I had during this project was finding different angles to take the pictures in. For me, the hardest object to take a photo of was the highlighter, this is because when I was taking pictures of it, most of the photos looked like they were taken at the same angle. This project helped me learn how to take better pictures of people (and things), and it helped me learn the different angles that look good when I take a picture.

Here is a link to my other pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-3PsrUSowqGO2mwXftGJoLOmS0PrGs4u

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment I was tasked with taking one object and taking 5 pictures of it from different angles. However there were some problems  were, taking the last few angles as it was hard to think of more angles to shoot from. The most difficult object to take pictures of was the sharpener because it was attached to the wall and I couldn’t get any pictures from behind it because of that.This project helped me find other angles to take pictures from. You can see my photos here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment, I was told to take 5 different pictures of  2 objects and 1 person. One of the challenges I faced when working on this project was that I couldn’t take a picture in the same position. I had to move in 5 entirely different positions. Lauren was probably the hardest object to take a picture of. She had to stay really still and remain in the same position. This project really helped me get a sense of  how to take multiple pictures efficiently. Next time I have a photo shoot with my friends, I will remember everything I’ve learned from this project. 

Click here to see all my photos, here

1 Object, 5 Shots

In the project we had to change our perspective and learn to see the object in a new way, a way that we haven’t seen it before. We had to chose 3 objects (one being a human) and take 5 different pictures in 5 different angles. This project was pretty simple but, the hardest part was honestly just finding different angles that everyone could understand the new angle. The hardest object I had to take a picture of was the human because there is only so many angles that would make someone look good. Also, just getting the angle was hard because sometimes to had to lay as flat as you could or stand as tall as you could, just to get the perfect shot. This project helped me see new perspective and to look at all angles of an object. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here.