Close up

In this project we had to get a photo really up close. The focus point works really well form my picture. Taking an up close picture was new. Something challenging was to find something to take pictures of. If I could I would like to take an up close picture of sand.

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Catch the Action

Some tips I have for action photos are

-Spam the camera button

-catch it in the middle of the action

-take from a low angle

A sport i would like to capture is someone playing basketball

click here

Framing my subject

We had to take photos using ” frames” with people in them. This project is different then the rule of thirds because this is more about framing then focusing on where the person is. My favorite is Anna claire with the poles because it shows a good demo of framing. I had challenges on finding out what to frame.

Click here to see my photos

rule of thirds

Getting pictures worked but finding things to take didn’t work or at least wasn’t easy. I thought the rule of thirds was pointless but now I know what it is used for. You have to line up the lines to the picture so that everything will be even.

Click here to see all my photos


With this project, we had to take pictures in front of black and white backgrounds and edit them to make the background look infinite. We used brightness, contrast, etc. It did make the background look infinite but the lighting just looked bad on our faces like it wasn’t good but it’s not really the point of the project.

Click here to see my photos

5 Shots

Click here to see my photos

we had to take 5 photos of 3 things with different angles. A challenge was trying to figure out different angles. the hardest part was finding something to take pictures of, because everyone couldn’t do the same thing. this project helped me figure out the differences with camera angles.

Color Project

I had to take 24 pictures that matched the 24 crayons. The
challenge was that I couldn’t find some colors that matched anything. I found the bright colors to be easy to find. Click here to see the rest of my photos.