This project consists of actually getting close to the subject. And obtaining the close up action of the object. We had take pictures that are including both Natural and Man-made objects. The more challenging object to take a photo of is nature because you can’t get photos same as other students. This project was enjoyable and needed to get creative.
Infinite White Back Ground
The white background project was similar to the black background and the challenges and the camera angel are all similar.
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Infinite Black Background
In the background project it first work with our group consistently changing the camera settings. Also different angels worked for this project. What worked in this project was perfectly getting the subject in the photo including them in the background as is they are dissolving.
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Framing Subject
Framing Subject is all about creating a frame around your subject essentially. What this does is create a picture of the surrounding of your subject and enhances your image and the frame around your subject. Comparing the rule of thirds to the framing project is very opposite seeing the picture expands with the background while framing creates a frame making the image smaller your focuses your attention on the on frame. And the rule of thirds goes beyond the image itself.
the link
Rule of Thirds
What worked in this project was getting different angles in different areas. Also by trying to Chose this distance of what I’m trying to take a picture of. What didn’t work is zooming in and focusing my one photo in one single area. My thought on the rule of thirds is including the background of the photo. The lines in my photo help me correlate where and how I should take my photo. What this does is make the viewers eyes move around the picture.
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1 Object 5 Shots
I had to make 5 photos of 3 different objects making a total of 15 photos. A challenge in this project was changing the camera angle in height, position and object itself. The crayon was a very hard to take photos of because the stairs which took away the bottom portion of photos I could’ve taken.
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Black Background Portrait
To make these photos my group used a black background and constructive lighting to apply specific points of light on the portraits. Putting light directly on the person didn’t work so we had to get creative and position the lighting in specific places. Overall with these aspects included this creates the infinite dark background portrait.
For all black background portraits click here
24 Colors
My Logo Owo
I get my photos from around the school. For example I get photos for world studies I use google or pictures I’ve taken myself. Even though I should I don’t, even if it’s from google but I do credit there website on my resources slide usually. I wouldn’t mind if they do use my photos even if they don’t credit me. My logo is an inspiration from Monsters Inc. movie art in the beginning. With the doors and monsters and letters going around the screen. Normally I’d seem easy making the logo but it was hard trying not to use the same color again. The moral characteristic or category of my logo is or of playful type like the movie Monsters Inc.
My Logo:
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