For this project we needed to take pictures up close. What worked well for this project was making sure you could see the object clearly and that the back round blurred out. The challenge for this project was making sure I had 10 photos. I didn’t have any issues with the cameras or taking any of the pictures. I would like to take a picture of eyes or raindrops.
Action shots
For this project we needed to take pictures of someone or something in action. Tips I would give someone would be don’t move your camera and make sure everything stays in frame. The sport I would want to photograph basketball or football. Overall this project was easy because you just had to make sure you didn’t move your camera.
my photos
Framing your subject
For this project we had to take pictures of people standing inside a frame. For example a door way or elevator. This project can relate to the rule of thirds by forcing you to focus on the subject, this projects is also different from each other because one uses real lines and one uses imagery lines. The hardest part about this project was making sure the person was in the right position. Another challenge was making sure there was good lighting and you could see the object or the person.
Rule of thirds
For the project we had to take 4 pictures of a people and 4 pictures of an object. The most challenging part of this project was getting the person matched up with the lines. The method asking people to see what their focus was on. From the beginning of this project I thought it was going to be really hard, but once I started taking pictures I figured it out. The lines in this project created 3 rows and columns. In addition I set up the lines on the object and the person.
For this assignment we had to take pictures on a white and black background. The most challenging part about the project is on the black walls we had to get the right amount of lighting so you could see the person. In addition the white was also challenging because we had to make sure there were no shadow’s. The easiest part of this project was editing the photo’s because we got to edit them how we wanted too. Link to my photo’s
1 shot 5 objects
During this assignment we had to take pictures of 2 objects and 1 person. The challenging part of this project was getting good lighting so you could either see the objects or the person. The hardest picture to take was the person because we had to make sure we were getting a good angle of them. This project helped me learn how to take pictures from lots of different angles. These are my photo’s
24 colors
For this project we had to to go around the school and take 24 pictures for each crayon color. As we were walking around we had to match a background color with the same crayon color. The challenging part about this project was making sure the background matched well and that the lighting was good. The easiest part of the project was uploading the pictures to drive and then to the computer. These are my photo’s
Judi’s Logo
This is my logo. I get most of my photo’s off of google. I don’t contact the owner but in the bottom corner I mention the owner of the photo’s name. I would want them to mention my name in the photo so they know that it was my photo. The most challenging thing about creating my logo was making sure everything was positioned correctly. The easiest thing for my logo was getting my font and color for my name.
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