The overall idea of this project was to take pictures of objects very close. Some things that worked well for this project were using different apps such as VSCO and not our regular IPhone camera. The camera settings in VSCO had a better ability to take pictures up close compared to the IPhone camera. Some aspects that were challenging were not being shaky and making sure the picture wasn’t blurry. It wasn’t that difficult to find subjects that were interesting to take pictures of. I would like to photograph an eye up close.
Catch The Action
In this project, we had to take pictures of things in action. To take the photos, I held down the camera button which took a burst. This allowed me to get the best pictures out of all of the ones I took. In order to capture good images, I had to set up the main subject in good lighting and take multiple photos. I would recommend taking a burst because bursts allow you to see multiple photos of the same action and one of them could be the shot you are looking for versus trying to take one photo and get the timing right. Another thing I would recommend is patience. Patience is key in order to get the best shot of the action. If I were to take photos of an action, I would do it of a dog running.
Catch the Action
For this project, we had to take photos of an object, or person, in motion. This does not mean blurry photos, but it is photos that cannot be staged. To set up for this project, I had to change the shutter speed on my camera to be able to take multiple photos at a time, or a “burst” of photos. A tip for someone trying to take action photos is to keep your camera as still as possible, to get the cleanest image you can.
Frame Your Subject
For this project we had to take pictures of people, or our subject in a “frame”. This frame consisted of objects such as a doorway, window, in between tree branches and more! This project compares to the rule of thirds because they both use lines to force you to focus on the subject. These projects differ because the rule of thirds use imaginary lines while this project uses visible lines to focus on your subject. The biggest challenge of this project was the lighting, sometimes we had really good spots to take pictures but the lighting made the picture invalid.
Framing Your Subject
In this project, it was all about framing your subject and placing your subject in a frame. I took pictures inside and outside with Stephanie as my subject and framed her in various locations around school. This photo is my favorite because I framed her with natural shadow made by the trees around us. In my opinion, I think its really creative to frame your subject with a shadow because shadows can be difficult to take a photo of. This project was different from Rule of Thirds because in Rule of Thirds your eye had to travel back to something. In this project, the main focus was the subject. Some challenges were making sure the subject fit in the frame right, shooting locations, and making sure that it looked creative. Overall, I really enjoyed this project.
Rule of Thirds
For this assignment, we had to use the grid on our phones, or camera to create the rule of thirds properly. The grid is created by 4 lines, 2 horizontal and 2 vertical. The 2 horizontal lines create thirds going sideways while the 2 vertical lines create thirds going vertically. These lines created 4 intersecting points, which are also the points that people focus on first. You wanted your focus objects of the photo to either take up 1/3, 2/3 or be on the intersecting points to create this project properly. The biggest challenge of this assignment was making sure I did it properly, because I couldn’t know if i did it properly since I am bias because I took the photo. To overcome this challenge, I asked other people what was the first thing they looked at in the photo, and if it matched up to what I was expecting, then I did it correctly. This project changed the way I take pictures because I realized, that the object that you want to focus on doesn’t need to be in the middle.
Rule of Thirds
For my Rule of Thirds project, I took pictures of people and things at a distance and on a grid in which they were lined up with the lines or at a point. Some things that worked were making sure that the objects were at a distance. The challenging part of this project was making sure that nobody else was in our shot, otherwise it would’ve taken away the most important part of the picture. I enjoyed the project from the beginning. It was really fun to take photos of landscapes and people. The grid lines were used to line up our main object with a point or with one of the lines on the grid. I set up my photos by lining up the object with the lines on the grid or placing it on a point on the grid.
Portraits with an Infinite Background
My group’s process was mostly trial and error. We played around with the settings such as, the ISO and shutter speed until we got the right photo. For the white background, we learned that with a higher ISO and a faster shutter speed. Lower ISO’s didn’t fully capture the white background when we shot the photos for it. A higher ISO allowed the white background to appear more whiter. However, for the ISO we had to change it, so that it would match with the person’s skin tone. For the black background, a slightly lower ISO worked. We used a slower shutter speed for the black background.
To edit the photos, my group and I used Photoshop to make the white’s in the photo look more whiter and the black colors look more black as they would in real life. We also used Photoshop to make the person’s skin look like their normal skin tone and add our logos into the photo.
Black Portraits
For this assignment, we had to take pictures with a camera using manual mode, so we could learn how to be in control of the camera. For editing our pictures, we used photoshop, but we were only allowed to use a limited amount of editing tools, so we couldn’t rely on editing. The biggest challenge of this assignment was making sure the lighting was good. The room was dark, since we turned off all the lights to be able to get the best pictures we could, we used lights and we had to position them perfectly so the camera could pick up the light, and so there was no glare on the background. The easiest part of this assignment was editing the pictures because we weren’t allowed to do much editing.
White Portraits
For this assignment, we had to take pictures with a camera using manual mode, so we could learn how to be in control of the camera. For editing our pictures, we used photoshop, but we were only allowed to use a limited amount of editing tools, so we couldn’t rely on editing. The challenges of this assignment were making sure that there were no shadows in the background. The easiest part of this assignment was editing the pictures because we weren’t allowed to do much editing.