Lego Stories

For this project, I had to take legos and set them up to look like humans. I had to make the poses realistic and make it so the environment that the characters were in looked like a human environment, from the stuff in the backgrounds to the proportions of lego object to actual object. While I was taking my pictures, I had to use concepts I had learned throughout the year, from framing to rule of thirds. I believe that the most challenging part of this project was making the legos look like they were the right size to fit in the environment they were in. For example, if you wanted your character walking down a side walk, you couldn’t use an actual sidewalk, because that would be much too big for a lego person. You would have to find a much thinner object to place your lego on so that the proportions of lego to sidewalk are the same as a usual human to a sidewalk. If I were to take more pictures of lego characters, I probably would do some unique situations, such as flying in an airplane or jumping off a diving board.

For the rest of my photos, click here.

Close Up

For this project I had to take photos of objects while getting very close to the object to capture miniature details. I think that it worked well to position the camera at a distance where the subject filled up the whole screen but still was in focus. I was still difficult to capture very small objects, such as a bug or a flower bud because it wouldn’t come into focus. If I had the time and equipment, I would like to photograph close up shots of leaves and nature. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here.


For this project, I had to take photos of people in motion. My subjects had to be doing something that you couldn’t pose, like a ball flying through the air or a jumping human. If you are taking action photos, I suggest that you keep your hands very steady and time your photo right so the subject comes out very clear. I would like to photograph action in football if I could. There is so much movement and contact going on it would be very interesting to photograph. I chose to have a person running down a hill for my stack because there are lots of possible frames and lots of movement. Click here to see the rest of my photos.


For this project I had to use natural frames to make my subject stand out in my photos. It was difficult to find multiple different things to place my subject between. I also was able to use the rule of thirds for this project. By aligning my subject on the imaginary grid lines I was able to dictate where the viewer’s eye’s went. I found it very hard to also fill up all of the space inside of the frame only using a person. I like this photo the most because the frame is found in nature and has a very cool angle. You can click here to see the rest of my photos.

Rule of Thirds

For this project, I needed to take photos of different objects but have them meet the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is a grid of imaginary lines on your camera to help you line up your images in order to have the viewer focus on a certain point. I thought it was easy to imagine the lines on the camera that I used to position my photo. I just picked a intersection of two grid lines and positioned my main object at the intersection. If the picture also included the sky I would position the camera so that 1/3 of the picture was grass or ground and the other two thirds were made up by the sky. You can click here to see the rest of my photos.


For this project, I had to take portrait photos of me and my friends where the background, (black or white) looked infinite. To take my photos, I first had to adjust my shutter speed and iso. Then, I focused on my target and took the picture. To edit my photos, I first made the photo black and white and adjusted the brightness according to the background to make it look infinite. For my project, it worked to have a slower shutter speed on the black background and faster shutter speed on the white. This allowed the right amount of light to get into the camera and made my photos just the way I wanted them to look. It was very difficult to remove all shadows from my photos. Click here to see a link to the rest of my images.

5 Shots

For this project I had to take 3 different objects an position them in ways where I could take 5 different shots with creative camera angles. It was challenging to get all 5 camera angles without repeating the same one. The hardest object to photograph was a person because it was difficult to include such a large object in every photo. This project helped me to see different angles and views. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors

For this project I had to go out into the school with a box of crayons and find the crayon colors in the world around me. Then, I needed to take a creative photograph of the crayon along with the object that matches the crayon color. This was not an easy assignment, because you had your normal colors; red, blue, green, yellow. But then you had to find a light purple, or beige, or even a neon green or orange. It was very difficult to match up these more obscure colors to objects in our everyday life. I think that taking the actual picture was the easy part. I found it simple to position the crayon in a creative way and take a creative picture. My favorite picture that I took was a dark green crayon that is laying on the green leaf of a plant inside the school. Click here to find the link to the rest of my photos.