Getting Close

During this project, we had to take photos of living and nonliving things. We had to find objects and get really close to them and take pictures. I used the app vsco to take my photos. When taking the photos is was challenging to get close enough to the object without making the photo blurry. It was fun photographing this up close because sometimes you can’t tell what it is. I found it super easy to find things to take photos of. . (Do you know what my photo is of?)

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Action Photos

During this project, we had to take photos of people and things in motion. It was a very difficult project. I had to be very patient. It took me many tries to get the right photos. It was hard to get the photo at the right timing. There are so many different ways to take theses pictures. It was very easy to find things and people to photograph in action. It may take a couple of tries to get it right, but once you do it looks so good. When taking photos on my phone I used burst mode to capture the right photos.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Framing your Subject

This project was about using other objects to create some sort of frame to have your subject inside of. For example, fences, benches,etc. In this photo the fence is framing the 3 guys. Some challenges I faced while taking these photos with this composition were finding the perfect position to take the photos and clearly show the boarder. It was a lot of fun testing out new boarders and seeing which one worked and which one didn’t.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Rule of Thirds

The objective of this project was to take a picture and make the object in the center of attention by putting it on the intercept of the thirds grid. The difficult part was to align the picture so it looks centered at the same time putting the object on the intercept. The easy part was finding places to take the picture. This is because you could take a picture of anything anywhere.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Black Background

During this project, when I took my pictures, I had to adjust the shutter speed and to edit, I had to increase the contrast. The difficult part was the editing and a part that didn’t work was when we took the pictures, the light was too close to the camera. It was very helpful, when the picture turned out well and we did not have to edit it. The picture turned out well when we had thew right shutter speed.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

White Background

For this project, we had to make the background look infinite. We had to make it look like there was no background. I adjusted the camera to make it more light sensitive therefore, the background looked at bright as possible. While I was editing I found it super easy to adjust the brightness. One thing I struggled with was getting the right adjustments on the camera. It was very challenging to get rid of the shadow.

Click here to view the rest of my photos.

5 Shots

For the 5 shots assignment, we were asked to pick 3 objects, one of which had to be a person. We had to take 5 shots of the 3 objects from different angles without moving the object. One of the challenging parts of this project was when I had to take a picture of a person(Harel). He did not do a good job of standing still. The easiest part of the project was finding an object to take pictures of. I learned that angles aren’t the same thing as moving your camera, it is tilting and rotating it to get the right photograph. See the rest of my pictures here.

24 Colors

In the 24 color assignment, I had to take a box of crayons and match each color to something around my school. The most challenging task for this assignment was finding 24 different places to take my photos. The easiest part was actually taking the pictures. I enjoyed messing around with the lighting and the angels of the camera. My favorite photo I took is the one below.

Click here to see the rest of my photos