Close-up Shots

In this project, I took close up shots of objects and nature. For these pictures, I used the app VSCO because the camera on the app allows the user focus on a certain point in the picture. It was difficult finding subjects but then I realized zooming in on regular objects and focusing it would do the job. I would want to photograph something from space because lots of things in space aren’t necessarily solids and seeing it up close would be astounding to see.

Click here to view the rest of the photos.

Action Shots

In this project, I (attempted) to take photos of things in action. Unfortunately, my surroundings and environment are not as exciting as others so most pictures were as simple as flags in the wind. I didn’t do much in settings, but I took bursts with moving subjects hard to capture on the spot. If someone is taking action shots for the first time, I would recommend using a high resolution camera because things can easily get blurry and the quality can deteriorate. Also, the shutter speed should be quick so the camera can capture the action quickly. If I could choose, I would take action shots of swimmers because the water effect would be cool.

Click here to see the rest of the photos.


In this project, we had to frame our subjects. I took pictures inside and outside with Anika as my subject and used many different regular structures to frame her. I like the photo below because. This was project was different from the rule of thirds project since your eye had to move around the picture, but here you wanted the subject to be the main focus. Some challenges were making sure the subject was in the frame in an aesthetically pleasing manner and finding aesthetically pleasing frames. I enjoyed this project more than the others. Click here for the other pictures.

5 Shots

In this project, I had to take a picture of something from five different angles. It was hard to find a bunch of different pictures. I think the hardest subject to photograph was my sister because she kept moving and did not want to cooperate. This taught me that you can view many things from different perspectives. My favorite photo is the one down below. You can view the other photos here.

Rule of Thirds

In this project, I took pictures of certain people and things using the grid on the camera, which are the lines that sometimes show up on phone cameras. I made sure that everything was composed so that the important subjects in the photo were in a third of the photo, whether it was horizontally in thirds or vertically in thirds. Something challenging in this project was that I needed to find interesting enough subjects to take pictures of. However, I think My favorite photo would probably be this one or another one with writing on it (you can click here to view the rest of the photos).

Infinite Backgrounds

In this project, I took pictures of people on white and black backgrounds. Using a shutter speed of 1/13 of a second, it made it look like the backgrounds were infinite. The ISO was higher to capture more light. For the black backgrounds, we used a lower ISO so there would be less light captured so shadows on the background wouldn’t show. If the shadows did show or if I couldn’t see the subject’s face clear enough, I used Photoshop to turn up the brightness. All the white background pictures are in black and white.

As we were taking pictures, we found that placing the light in a certain position didn’t always work.We had to cover some of the light with our arms to prevent it from showing on the lens or creating a glare.

Click here to view white background photos.

Click here to view black background photos.

24 Colors

In this project, I used my phone camera to take pictures of each crayon in a twenty four color crayon box. I matched each crayon with the background of the same color. I used different angles for each picture. I found it hard to find different matching backgrounds for similar colors like blue green and green blue and regular blue.

Click here to see the rest of the collection.