This project was all about taking close up photos of Lego people, and making it look like they are the size of a human to create a scene. One skill I have is taking close up photos, because the project Macro Photography. It was challenging trying to find an area perfect for the scene, such as the photo I used as my favorite photo, the storm trooper in the jungle photo. If I were to take 5 more photos, I would take more organized, more quality photos and take more time to make better photos.

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trooper in the forest

Macro Project

This project was basically to take photos indoors and outdoors, and get up close to things that are hard to tell what they are from so close up. I like this project, because it wasn’t that hard to get close up photos and take them, but it was very hard to get an angle at witch it looks good. I would probably want to visit the Galapagos islands, and take pictures of the amazing exotic species.

Click Here to see my photos

Framing Your Subject

In this project, the main goal is to frame your subject of the photo using natural objects in the area. We needed to have 5 or more photos of many different objects or subjects, and many different frames. This is a little bit similar to the rule of thirds because you needed to use a line and put the object on that line, perfectly lined up, and in this one your using the world around you to do a similar thing, accept it does not need to be lined up on a grid. Finding a perfect angle that makes it fit better.

Click Here to see all my photos

here is a preview of my favorite photo

black infinite backgrounds

What we did in this part of the project was get a black background, and put lighting on you so you are only showing your face basically. It was very hard to find perfect lighting, but it was easy to find black


5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to take 5 shots, each at different angles, and do that twice. Then you had to take 5 shots of a human at different angles. It was challenging finding different angles, and getting them to work good and look good. The hardest object was the table, cause you had to be very far, couldn’t get good angles, and you would get lots of people in the way. It helped me learn how to get photos at really good angles, and how to get photos from one drive to another.

Click here to see photo’s

Infinite backgrounds

What we did was take pictures in front of a white background and black background, but get a perfect angle for it not to look like a white/black background. What worked was white tee shirts, white or a lighter shade grey hoodies, or just a perfect angle. what did not work was the shadows, and the light just made that worse. This is my photo.


24 Colors

In this assignment, we looked around our school, inside and out! I think this was very fun to walk around and play with angles to get a perfect picture. Some challenges while doing this project was getting perfect colors. Also when we went outside, it was very difficult for the crayons to stay in place as the wind was blowing and kept moving the crayon. It was easy to find most colors cause they are obvious and very common.

My favorite photo was the one with the blue sky with the blue crayon.

Click here to see my photos