Lego Photography

In this project we had to take pictures of legos and make it seem as if they are life-sized. The only techniques I used were obviously macro photography, rule of thirds, and angles. If I had to take 5 more pictures I would recreate scenes/battles from Star wars with clone troopers like in the jungle and maybe with ewoks or something.


Macro Photography

In this project we had to take pictures of items really close up – macro photography. In order to get really good detail close up I just put the camera in macro mode and put the lens as close to the object as possible while being focused. The most challenging part of the project was making sure that it was focused. With the small objects and lots of wind it was really hard to see if the camera was actually focused. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get there I would like to photograph leaves with water droplets on them really close up.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Catch The Action

For this project we had to take pictures of objects in motion. In order to help capture good images, I pre-focused on where my subject would be, shot low to the ground so their feet were above the horizon, and took continuous photos for the time they were in the air. Some tips I would have for someone trying to take action photos are to be patient, pre-focus on where your subject will be, and shoot low to the ground so it looks like your subject is higher in the air. If I could, I would photograph swimming.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Framing Your Subject

For this project we had to use objects in our surroundings to frame the subject in our photos. For example in the picture above, I used the railing of the bleachers to frame and bring attention to the subject of the picture, Matia. This project is like the opposite of the rule of thirds. In this one we used our surroundings to bring attention to one specific part of the picture, while we used rule of thirds to create flow in the picture and let the eyes travel to other places. It was challenging in this project to line up the subject with whatever I was framing them and having the camera focus on the right thing.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Rule of thirds

When I used the rule of thirds to take photos for this project, I saw that it created flow in the picture. It didn’t work well though when there wasn’t anything around the main subject to look at. At the beginning of the project I didn’t think that the rule of thirds would work but now I know that it does. In the photos I would put the subject in the rule of thirds corners. When the photo was of the landscape and I wanted to show the land instead of the sky I would put the horizon or wherever it turned from a land feature to the sky on the top line.

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Portraits White Background

To take my photos I changed the shutter speed and the ISO on the camera. I set the shutter speed to 1/60 and the ISO to 800 in order to get the infinite background. It didn’t work when I set the shutter speed to like 1/30 and higher because it absorbed too much light and the whole photo was way too bright or just white.

Click here to see my white background photos

Portraits Black Background

In order to take the black background photos we had to change the shutter speed and ISO. We put the shutter speed to 1/30 and the ISO to 800 or 1600. Sometimes when the background was lit too much by the light and the ISO was 1600 we could see the background and had to turn it to 800 and it worked.

Click here to see the rest of my black background photos

5 Shots

For this assignment I had to take 5 photos from different angles of 3 different objects. A challenge during this project was thinking of all the different angles. The hardest object to photograph was the plant because there were a lot of people walking by. This project helped me realize that there are so many angles to take pictures at.

Click here to see my photos