
In this project we had to take a variety of photos between people and objects. There’s not something certain that helped me with taking pictures was taking them before they did anything which helped me get a better picture. Some tips that can help on taking action photos is like I said taking the photo right before they do the action. If I could take a picture of a sport it would be football.

If you wanna see my photos click here

Last Project

This whole semester was very interesting and was one of my favorite classes ever. I liked it how we got to do different project with different objects and the different angles. My thoughts on photography have changed because through all the photos I took they challenged me to think outside of the box, and I thought photography was easy but then it’s a lot harder than you think. This has changed the way I take my photos I change my angles find filters. My favorite project this semester was 24 colors because I loved how it challenged me and how I had to find colors that matched with the crayons which was fun. I don’t think I would do photography as a career even though people say I take really good photos but what I want to do as a career is be a chef but I do want to continue it in high school for my photos can be better because I do love taking photos.

Up Close

In this project what mostly worked well for me was getting up close with random objects and taking the pictures at certain angles. But I did try something new going for new angles and getting up close to make the picture work. Some challenges I had to work with was getting choosing which objects to take pictures of. It was difficult to find pictures, But there was no struggles with the camera that was mostly the easiest part. If I had time, and proper equipment I would love to take some pictures of nature like pour water on the ground and take the picture of the sky above or some water droplets.

To see my photos click here

Set in the streets

“Set in the streets” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman.  In this project they are playing cards and chess. To edit this photo i went into PhotoShop and turned my photo black and white then went and pressed the marquee tool and made a huge oval around the picture then pressed select, then modify, then feather, then turned it to 200. After I was done with that i pressed inverse which made the circle go around the light then I went into curved and turned down the brightness. After that i put my logo on the picture. If i had to chose a place to tell my family’s story would be my grandma house because a lot of important thing happened there.

7 Days

I am thankful for my mother because I know she always there to help and I love her a lot. I am thankful for my baby cousin because she can always bring  smile to my face with hers she is so adorable and cute. I am thankful for my other 2 favorite cousins they have such a playful personality. I am thankful for my older brother even tho he’s annoying most of the time but I always know why he’s there for me and to protect me. I am thankful for my little brother even tho he’s as annoying as my older brother I love him. I am thankful for my dog because he so cute and sometimes nice. I am thankful for one of my best friends kalynn i consider her as my sister and family she is the most funniest person i know and whenever i’m sad she can always make me laugh.

See my photos here.


In this project we had to take pictures of 15 different people, one smiling one not smiling. The difficult part was asking people to take pictures of them some refused. Some changes were the people facial expression it was sometimes a major difference between them smiling and then not. Being bias can affect the photo because people would rather ask people they know to take pictures of because your more comfortable then asking a random person.

If you want to see my photos go here

Rule Of Thirds

In the rule of thirds projects some things that worked where taking the photos there wasn’t really a lot of things that didn’t work. In the beginning of the project i didn’t really understand how but it changed because i started to understand it more. When i was taking a my pictures of the person I made sure i had a nice background for people can focus on.

Light Graffiti

For this project I had to hold down a button on the camera and with a light we used it to draw an object around a person when they were done we let go of the button and then looked at how the picture. The colorful light worked better than using the flashlights on our phones the colorful lights gave us a more clear picture than that flashlights did. Some things that were frustrating about this project was that since it was so dark in the gym people used there flashlights which pointed at our pictures which messed up our pictures. An idea that can take our project to the next level is trying to be more neat so the pictures come out more clear.

You can see my photos here

Black Background

For this project, we had to take pictures in front of a black background we had each person take a picture of each other and when one person wasn’t taking a picture they were holding the yellow light. Editing the photos weren’t hard but taking them were the it was either the dark were too dark and you couldn’t see the people or that we couldn’t get the background well and the light was misplaced.

See my photos here


For this project, we had to take pictures in front of a white background we had one person taking pictures and another person holding the light then switched. Editing the photo’s was the easy part taking them was a hole other story the lighting was too bright where it was blinding it was too bright and it made it hard to look at.