In this assignment we get close up to an object and take a photo including a lot of detail. What worked well for this assignment was getting really close to your subject so the photo would show the subject and have a lot of detail. One challenge I faced was getting all the details in the photos. If I had the time and equipment to do this I would take photos of butterflies and rain .
Catch the action
for this assignment we had to take pictures that were in motion. For this assignment we took all the picture we took and made it into one showing that the person was in motion. I messed with the lighting and the angle in order to take good photos. One tip I have for taking action photos is to make sure your in the right position to get the whole frame of the picture. i would want to photograph a football game if I could.
Framing Your Subject
For this project we had to frame a person or objects by using objects to create a focal point. this project is very different than the rule of thirds instead of having you subject int he last box on the grid you have you subject in the middle. there were a few challenges, the biggest challenge I faced was finding a good area to take the picture in. This picture is my favorite because it shows the beauty of the flowers and nature.
Rule of Thirds
In this project we had to take picture using the rule of thirds. In the beginning of this project I thought that the rule of thirds would help the photos. By the end of this project my thoughts changed, I see how the the rule of thirds helps photos. Using the grid helped lineup the photo. The hard part was getting the picture straight and getting good angles. The grid helped line up the photos, for example in the picture below I used the grid to help line up the photos.
Portraits Black Backgrounds
For this project we had to take pictures of people with a black background and make it look infinite. While taking pictures with the camera, we had to make the camera less sensitive to the light. when we tried to take photos against the black background with a lot of light sensitivity the picture looked like we were standing behind a background.
Portraits with White Background
For this project we had to take pictures of people with a white background and make it look infinite. While taking pictures with the camera, we had to make the camera more sensitive to the light. when we tried to take photos against the white background with no light sensitivity the picture looked like we were standing behind a background.
5 shots
for this assignment I had to take 5 different angles of 2 objects and 1 person. One challenge I faced was finding different angles. the hardest object I had to do was the shoes. the shoes were the hardest because you had to get behind the boot and under it. This project helped me learn that there are so many camera angles you can work with to take good photos.
24 colors
I made these photos by going around the school and looking for colors that match all 24 crayons. The hardest part of this project was finding colors in the school. This school doesn’t have a lot of color. The easy part of this project was getting good angles for the photos.
my logo
I would get my photos from google and other sources. No I would not contact the owner of the photos. I would not take credit for another photographer or persons work. If someone was using my work I would expect that they wouldn’t take credit for my work. My logo is inspired by a camera lens and I thought it would be cool to make a camera lens logo.
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