In this project we were told to take 10 photos, 5 living and 5 not living things.The thing that worked well for me in this project was finding new angels. The new thing i tried was using the app VSCO. The thing that was challenging for me was trying to make sure your picture was not blurry because of how close up you are. If i had the time i would want to take close up pictures of plants. I would want to take pictures of them because they are very interesting and when you look up close to them you can see all the different textures and colors.
Set in the street
The project “set in the street” which was started by Justin Bettman. Is a photography project and we had to take a set with props in a public place and have to make a story with the photo and have emotion and mood to it. The set we used was a kitchen table and was inspired the “Kitchen table project” by Carrie Mae Weems
For rest of the photos click here.
Action Project
For this project, we had to take photos of thing or people that were moving or doing an action. To get good pictures we had to keep the camera still and take the picture at the right time. A challenge was making the picture look good by taking the picture at the right time and holding the camera still so it was not off. Sometimes when I took it at the wrong time and I would have too do it again. I would want to photograph someone doing a back flip. Click here for the rest of my photos
7 Days post
For this project I had to take 7 pictures of things that I am thankful for. My first picture was a picture of my mom. I am thankful for my mom because she loves me and she helps me through tough times but always make me laugh. My second photo is of my little brother. I am thankful for my little brother because he is adorable and I love him. My third photo is of Doritos. I am thankful for Doritos because they are the best chips ever made and without them I would be dorritoless and I should be thankful that I have food because some people dont. My fourth photo is a cactus. I’m thankful for cactus because they are green and why not they are amazing.. My sixth photo is of my xbox controlelr. I am thankful for my xbox because without it I would not be able to live I use my xbox so much and love it so much and some people dont have it so I am thankful that I do. My last photo is a picture of my house I am thankful for my house because without it I would not have anywhere to live and some people dont have houses so I am thankful that I do. Pictures
Smile Project
For this project we had to take pictures of people and ask them to smile and not smile. It was difficult to find people to take pictures of. When the person had a natural face, they usually looked mean or somewhat happy. But when they smiled, they were a totally different person. Bias could affect your job as a photographer because if someone looks mean or unwelcoming, you might not want to take pictures of them. I would ask them about themselves and their background to get to know them more.
My photos are here:
Rule of Thirds
This assignment was very easy. We had to take pictures using the rule of thirds where we had to make the person of things to stick out from making them go somewhere that makes them stand out and draws yours eyes to it. In my opinion the pictures that were taken using the rule of thirds are very great. Using the rule of thirds is very fun and using the grid on my camera was really cool to do.
Infinite Black Background
For my project I had to take 5 picture and post . These are two of the pictures I took. This project was fun to take the picture with the black background. For the pictures I took the picture with black and white backgrounds to make the person stand out.
5 Shots
We had to take photos of a person and 3 objects. We need to take multiple photos of the same object or person but with different angles without moving the person or object A challenge was to get certain angles of the object or person depending where it was.The person because he/she couldn’t move, they had to stay in the same place.
Infinite Background White
For my group to take the photos we had to stand in font of a white background.We used manual mode and turn the ISO higher. The pictures worked out and you could not see a shadow so they were good. For the black background we used the ISO and shutter speed. For the white background we used the same thing except the shutter speed had to be longer and the ISO had to be higher. I think the white background was easier because you just had to light up the background and there was less things you had to do with it.
Light Graffiti
Light Graffiti
We are going to use the manual settings on our camera to draw with light and do light graffiti. We used the ISO and F-Stops settings when we took our portraits with the black backgrounds and for the white background. For this project we needed the shutter speed. In order for you to draw with the light you need to leave the shutter open as long as possible, this will allow light to hit the sensor and you will be able to draw with the light.Your group will have time to work while the shutter is open and draw