Macros Mattia Izzi

For this project we had to take close up pictures of objects. It was pretty easy to find objects but it was kind of hard to find good angles so that the shadows didn’t get in the way. Taking pictures of flowers worked well because they had a lot of textures. I’d like to take close ups of a stream or river.

Here is my favorite pic…

Here are the rest of my pics.

Action Photos Mattia Izzi

For this project we had to take pictures of people in the middle of an action. We also had to make a stacked image. I found it best to take pictures of someone in the air because they are obviously not staged and they look pretty cool. For the stacked images it was much more convenient to take bursts of photos instead of manually taking every pic. I’d like to photograph a plane flying by if I could. Here is one of the pictures…

Here are the rest of the photos.

Framing Your Subject

In this project we had to frame our subject in between 2 objects. We had less freedom than with the Rule of Thirds because we had to have it in between things and we couldn’t just take pictures of whatever we wanted. It was hard to find good objects to put our subjects in between but in the end we used a lot of fences and trees. This is my favorite picture because I like the contrast of the colors of the shirt with the ground and the rest of the picture.

Here is the link to the folder with all the images.

Rule of Thirds Mattia Izzi

In this project we had to take pictures using the rule of thirds. I mainly lined the objects on my right line and sometimes on my left line. Taking pictures of people with wide backgrounds behind them worked, and taking pictures of people with walls behind them didn’t look so good. I liked doing the rule of thirds and my thoughts didn’t really change from the beginning of this class. These are my two favorite photos:

Here is a link to the full folder.

Infinite Backgrounds by Mattia Izzi

For this project we had to take pictures in front of white and black backdrops to simulate a void. For the black backgrounds stood in front of the backdrops and put some light in front of us. It didn’t work when we used too much light but it did when we covered up the light a bit. For the white backgrounds we turned up the light sensitivity on the camera but we didn’t use any lights.

This is a photo of me,

This is a photo I took,

Here is a link to the full folder.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this project we had to take 5 different pictures from different sides for 3 objects, one of them had to be a human. A challenge was finding good sides to take the pictures from. The hardest to photograph was a person because it was hard to get a good angle. This project helped me overcome restrictions when it comes to angles. Click here to look at them. This is my favorite image that I took.

24 Crayons Project

In this project we had to to take pictures of 24 crayons. We had to find backgrounds around the school that matched the color of the crayons. It was hard yo get the right spots for the crayons. The easy part was positioning the crayons. This is my favorite image out of all of them.

Click here to see my photos