Lego Pictures

In this project we had to take pictures of Lego people and make them look realistic. We were supposed to take portraits of the Lego’s doing an activity and also have the Lego’s tell a short story. This project was similar to the macro project because we had to focus on the Lego people similar to how we had to focus on objects. Lizzie and I used the different settings on VSCO to focus on the Lego’s. One challenging part of this project was coming up with places to put the Lego’s so that it looked like the things surrounding them were a realistic and proportional size instead of the Lego’s looking very tiny. If I could take more pictures I would take pictures of more Lego’s in the outdoors and come up with more ideas of where to put them.

Going for a Float
Boat in the Grass?
Poisonous Picnic


For this project we had to focus our cameras on something up close and try and make it to where if someone looked at your picture, they wouldn’t know what it was. For example I took a picture of a dandelion and it is focus on just part of it rather then the whole thing. This makes it harder to tell what it is and also shows the small details. One thing that worked well was using the vsco app and using the + sign. This focused the camera onto small parts of the=different things I took pictures of, and made the background slightly blurry. One thing that was challenging, was sometimes the camera wouldn’t focus so it took multiple tries to get the camera to focus on the object. If I could do this project again with better equipment I would like to take pictures of small insects and flowers to see what they look like in further detail.

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Action Photos

For this project we had to take pictures of something being done that could not be posed for. We had to take the picture while the person or thing was moving or performing their action. In the picture above I took a picture of Lizzie kicking the soccer ball. I used the the burst feature on my phone to make sure the picture wasn’t blurry and Lizzie and the soccer ball were in focus. For other people trying to take action pictures I would recommend to stay focused and be persistent with taking the best picture you can. Also using “burst” on my phone was helpful to get the best picture because you get many pictures to choose from. If I could photograph any sport, I would photograph dance because I could get pictures of people doing different jumps in mid-air. I would also photograph dancers because I could go to different ballets and performances and take pictures of the dancers during the performances to get different action shots of them.

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For this assignment, we had to find a subject to take pictures of, and then use the resources around us to frame them. This includes using the holes in the gates to frame the subject, the stairwell railing, and the door frames. The idea of this project was also to use things that you wouldn’t normally think would frame something and use it to frame whatever you were taking a picture of. The point of framing your subject is so your eye goes directly to where the photagrapher wants you too look.

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Rule of Thirds

The point of this project was to draw your eye to a certain object using the rule of thirds. When looking at the picture the point was to look at the things around your focal point that leads to the main object you are taking the picture of. One hard part of this project was lining up the objects with the lines and getting the picture to be straight up and down and not tilted. Also it didn’t work well when you stood against a wall because there was no where for your eye to travel. I thought this project would be fairly easy in the beginning, but once we started taking the pictures it was slightly harder then I thought. For example I wanted the person looking at the pictures eye to go directly to Lizzie. By using the rule of thirds I was able to put her in one third of the picture, and she stands out because she is the far right vertical line so when you are looking at the stairs it leads your eye straight to her. For the top picture I wanted your eye to go directly too the house, so I made the focus go to the house by doing the sky as two-thirds which leads your eye to the house that is at the bottom.

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Portraits; White Background

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For the white background pictures we had to set the camera to where it was more sensitive to the light. Since we made it more sensitive to the light it made it look like the white background wasn’t there. We also held a small light pointing behind us so that there were no shadows. Something challenging in this project was if we were to close to the background you would be able to see shadows, and made it a lot harder to get rid of them.

Portraits; Black Background

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For this project we made the camera less sensitive to light in order for the black background to look like it wasn’t there. I also used Photoshop to fix any shadows that appeared.To help us not have as many shadows in our pictures, we held a light in front of us which made the shadows not appear as much. One thing that made this project challenging was when people moved the slightest bit, the picture would come out blurry.

5 shots

For this assignment we had to take pictures of at least two different objects and one person. We had to take 5 different shots of the one object coming from 5 different angles. You could take the pictures from below, up high from the side, etc. One challenge I had during this project was coming up with different angles for the five different shots and also making them clear. Personally, I thought taking 5 different shots of a person was the hardest, one reason being it was harder to take over head shots especially if the person was a lot taller then you. This project helped to give me different ideas I can use to take outside of school so they all of the pictures I take aren’t all straight on.

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24 Colors

For this assignment we took a box of 24 crayons and took 24 different pictures of each crayon. We found different things and backgrounds that had the same color as the crayon and took pictures. The point of the project was to find color around the school that would match the crayon colors. one challenging part of this assignment was finding all 24 of the colors, because sometimes you thought they were the same color but once you tried to take the picture they were two different colors. One thing that was easy, was finding the colors blue, gray and white because those are our school crayons.

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