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This class was an interesting and funny experience. Yes. Now i think photography is fun. I haven’t changed the way I take photos. My favorite project was the scavenger hunt because it was easy and I didn’t even have to try. Photography does interest me as a career because it is very interesting and going froward, I would wanna take the class in high school.

Close Up Pictures

During this project, we had to take at leat ten close up and focused pictures of living and non-living objects. For this project, finding things to take pictures worked well. I tried nothing new for this project. There was nothing difficult about this project because you could literally take close up pictures about anything. If I had the equipment and time, I would like to photograph small animals or insects. To see the rest of my pictures, click here.

Kitchen Table

During this project, we had to take black and white photos around the kitchen table. The pictures had to end up telling a story. For my groups project, we use Carrie Mae Weems as an inspiration. To edit these pictures, in photoshop, I had to use multiple tools.  I used the marque tool. If I had to take photos like this to show my family’s story, I would take them to a resturant because we love food a why not. To see the rest of my pictures click here.

(what the kitchen table scene actually looked like) 

7 Days!

I am very thankful to be getting an education because there are many people in the world who are not as privileged and cannot get an education at all.
I am thankful for nailpolish remover because it helps me get nailpolish off my hands whenI mess up. It is always very fun to smell.
I am so so so so so thankful for my lipgloss. It goes everywhere with me and always makes sure that my lips arent dry or chapped. It also smells great, if there was a smell for christmas it would smell like this lipgloss.
I am thankful for my petroleum jelly. I always use it at home so that my lips don’t get chapped. It also helps a lot in winter when my lips are very very dry and ashy. 


Finding people to take pictures of and asking people to take pictures of them was hard. When people smile they look happy and carefree and happy. If I already knew the person i’m taking pictures of then I would already know about their life and I wouldn’t be able to guess it from the pictures. When hired as a photographer, you should ask questions such as what country are you from and how old are you.  to see the rest of my photos click here.

Rule of Thirds

We had to take pictures with the object/person in just one of the two sides or the rule of third grids of the camera grid. Rule of thirds helps to get very good and professional looking pictures. My thoughts did not change from the beginning of the project. The “lines” I used in my photos are grid lines on the camera that are also rule of third lines. They are one of the 9 boxes on the camera grid and if what is supposed to be the main focus of your picture is on one of the interception lines of the grid, the focus will be more defined and clear to see. I set up the shots so that the thing i wanted to focus on would be on one of the interception lines. To see the rest of my pictures click here.

Light Graffiti

We took out pictures by adjusting the camera settings so that the camera would only pick up movement of glowing flashlights and glowsticks, not people or anything in the background. Not having the timer set for the right amount of time did not work. The pictures would come out incomplete. The shapes we were trying to draw also have to be shaped/drawn correctly so that our picture actually made a scene instead of looking like just scribbles and random lines. However, the pictures worked and turned out nice when the timer was set for the right amount of time and everybody correctly outlined their shapes/objects. It was very frustrating to draw the object we needed to draw because there was nothing to draw and the air needed to be traced based on what the shape might look like. I think that this project could be taken to the next level if multiple people could be traced in a scene to make it look like an event was happening. To see the rest of my pictures click here

Infinite backgrounds

This assignment we had to take a picture in front of a background but also you can’t see the background. Holding the light up higher was easier to capture the right amount of light in the picture. Pointing the light right at my face was not good because there was shadow in the background. To see the rest of the groups photos click here