Rule of Thirds


In the image above I used the 2/3 vertical line.  A person is featured in this photo 2/3 to the right of the image.  In the other photos I have attached I used various different lines such as the bottom 3rd horizontal line.  

This project was lots of fun but difficult in many ways.  finding the right place to take the photo was challenging in a good way.  Editing photos is getting easier but is still a challenge for me.  It was fun going outside and taking. 

It think adhering to the rule or thirds is a great way to take amazing photos.  the rule of thirds makes your eyes travel across the photo.  It also creates an emphasis on the setting as well as the subject.  Before this project I had heard of the rule of thirds but didn’t think about it much.  Because of this assignment I will never take a photo again without at least think about the rule of thirds.  



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