Final Project

In this semester of photography I learned a lot about taking high quality photos. I used to not care about the lighting or angle of the shot.  My thoughts have changed a lot about photography. My thoughts have changed because I think taking photos requires a lot more skill than I used to give it credit for. I have changed the way I take photos now. I try to apply techniques I have learned from this class. Like when I take photos I try to use rule of thirds to focus on the subject.  My favorite project this year was the rule of thirds. I liked that project because it is a skill I can apply to my daily life when taking photos. I wouldn’t like to be a photographer as a career. I wouldn’t like it because you have to take some photos that are hard to look at. Like the Pulitzer prize photo with the vulture and the little girl. I might take it my sophomore year in high school. I might take it because it’s a fun class where I can apply the skills to my everyday life.