Light Graffiti


For the past two weeks my group and I had lots of fun working on our light graffiti projects.  Ansh, Jack P., Carter and Me (Jack) were able to create colorful and creative light images.  In order to do this we increases my camera’s shutter speed. The shutter speed variated from picture to picture ranging from 15 to 8 seconds.

The pictures looked good when when the subject was standing still  and 1 or 2 people painted the light.  All of the pictures I have included were created using this methodology.  We tried to incorporate creative ideas that look interest but are not to complicated.

When we tried to have to subject move during the time the shutter was open our product was blury and looked very unprofessional.  We also tried to thow glow sticks away from the camera but not enough light reached the camera to create an image.

I was never frustrated during this project especially since it was so fun. Although it was hard for me to paint the light in some pictures.

In order to make this project even better I think we should be able to use the stage in the all purpose room as the setting of our photographs.  It think the groups should be more spread out between different rooms to avoid light pollution.

This project was such an amusing experience.  light graffiti is a great why to experiment with light.  I will never forget this project and hope to use what I have learned again.