
Carol Guzy/The Washington Post

This photo is of Agim Shala a baby escaping form Yugoslavia into Albania.  Agim and his family is ethnically Albanian.  In their home country of Yugoslavia a genocide of ethnic Albanians is raging.  They hope to escape into Albania where they will be safe.  I was drawn to this image by the mountain in the background and I wondered where this boarder crossing was taking place. I can’t understand how people can be so evil that they would kill thousands of people just because of their ethnicity.  This photographer captured a historic event. 


Jeff Bauman rests during occupational therapy at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital less than a month after having his lower legs blown off in the first of two pressure cooker bombs that exploded at the Boston Marathon. (Josh Haner, The New York Times - May 8, 2013)

This photo depicts a man who lost both of his legs in the Boston bombings. He was working hard to recover and had to take a break.  Evil people around the world think they can destroy the American people by taking our lives and limbs, but they never will, because American courage and persistence will prevail.  I was drawn to this photo because the Boston bombing was a very horrific event. 


Photojournalists face many challenges.  It is hard to capture history without disturbing it.  In many situations photojournalists put their live on the line, to take a photo.  These people view very disturbing scenes that make them wish they could help.  The reward of being a photojournalist is educating the world about the event they capture.   


This is a picture of Jackie Kennedy holding her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, in the creating Camelot exhibit.  I like this image because it brings the Kennedy family to life.  I was able to see Jackie Kennedy as a real person instead of a historical figure. It think the chair in the background definitely assists in conveying this mood.  Jackie Kennedy is probably the most loved first lady in American history. She was adored by the American public and the world.  This made her a large part of the press and and the news covered her every action.  this image is a great addition to the Newseum.

Set In The Street

Our Set in the street photography project was very fun to create.  Over the past two weeks my photography class has been assigned to build a set.  Everyone was working hard to make our set look great.  It was a long and difficult process, but along the way we had fun and in the end had a excellent result.  


First we had to build the background.  A makeshift wall would have to do for our background.  Our class was split up into three groups each being responsible for  a section of the wall.  After cutting wood into planks using an electric saw we assembled the outline of the wall. Then added a board going through the middle.  The next day we screwed pieces of drywall onto the boards.  We then painted the drywall grey. To set up for arts night, we connected the walls together.  After school students built a stand for the wall. They then decorated with couches, a picture, coffee tables and a bookshelf.  


Overall, this process was very efficient.  As a class we were able to complete the scene in a very short amount of time.  Students got to show their skill at carpentry and using building tools.  I learned a lot about building and got to use a drill correctly.  I was able to collaborate with my peers to create something we could all enjoy.  In order to make the process even more efficient we could have created roles for each member of the group.


Our final product was very satisfactory.  The scene we created looked like it belong in an actual living room.  Many people who attended arts night were able to lounge in the couches and have their pictures taken.  I truly enjoyed creating our Set In The Street project and learned a lot.