
This semester I had photography, and it was fun. I always thought photography was a novelty, but now I see that it is an artform and a career. After this picture I will never take a selfie one handed and now whenever I take a picture I think of the rule of thirds. My favorite project was the light graffiti because in that project my group made it look like I did a kamehameha which is something I’ve always wanted to do.  Although I’ve had a great time in photography, I don’t want to be a photographer, although I will try to continue learning about it in High School.




7 Days(Sort Of)

This project was about looking at the positive side of life and we were supposed to take pictures of 7 things that we were tankful for. In this project, I thought it was important to use the rule of thirds. Every since that project I’ve been putting the most important parts of pictures on the line. I hope you enjoy my pictures.

1. I’m thankful to be able to come to a place after school to have fun with my friends and play free games.

2. I’m thankful for all of my teachers, especially Mr. Banks, although his name is rather misleading

3. I’m thankful for my school that I can be educated from and learn things from.

4. I’m thankful for basketball, I enjoy playing it all the time.

5. I’m thankful for my family! During Thanksgiving my extended family came like my Uncle Tiny, my Aunt Bird, and my other Uncle Neph-Neph. We give each other lots of nicknames.

6. I’m thankful for my AAU basketball team, I just finished my first season with them!

7. I’m thankful for my friends. My friends are always with me in my time of need and I’m there when they need me.


So I asked them to smile…

So I asked them to smile was a project were we went around our neighborhood and school and asked people to smile and not smile. At first I was skeptical of this project because it meant that I had to ask strangers to smile and not smile, that meant I got declined a lot, but some brave people did take pictures and they were good. We saw the differences in the faces of people smiling and not smiling. When you first look at a person and they’re not smiling they might look mean, scary, or creepy, but when you ask them to smile they seem kind and funny, that’s why I asked them to smile.



Image result for pulitzer prize photographs At the Newseum went to see the Pulitzer Prize Photo section and I saw an image that I thought was crazy. It was a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby. Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who shot John F. Kennedy, and he was being taken into custody by the police. If I were the photographer I would be scared out of my mind. First off, I’d be scared of Lee Harvey Oswald because he killed the president, then when the shots were fired I would have been gone, I wouldn’t have the sense to take the photo.

My favorite exhibit was the Black Panther Exhibit. The exhibit had the events  protest and sit-ins of 1967. I enjoyed seeing all the unknown people who helped us get closer to equality, and I liked the rules that college students about made about the sit-ins.

Set in the Street

Set in street was a project were we had to build a room, but not just a room, we had to build a room in the street. We had to build 3, 12 by 8 walls that we painted and sanded. This took about 5 days to build, after that we put some furniture in the room to make it look more like a room out of the 70’s. We got 2 coffee tables, a sofa, a lamp, a painting, and a bookshelf. At art’s night we took pictures of people acting like they were just a home chilling. I really liked this project because I got to lay down and act like I was at home. It was a really fun project!

Rule Of Thirds



The rule of thirds helps put emphasis on what’s important in a picture. Rule of thirds divides a picture into 9 sections like a tic-tac-toe board. At first in the Rule of thirds project, I thought the most important things in the picture would go in the middle of the grid, but in reality they go on the lines. A hard part of a project was choosing what was important in a picture. There were so many things I could highlight, it was hard to determine what made the cut. I was happy that we were able to experiment with different backgrounds. I was able to go inside and outside and find interesting things to highlight. 


Infinite Backgrounds

The process of taking this picture took a while. First, I had to change the Shutter Speed setting to let less light into the picture. The hardest part of this process was editing the picture. Using Photoshop, first, I had to desaturated the image. Then, I had to find the perfect curves to compliant the picture. Third, I had to implant my logo on to the picture so nobody could use my picture without credit. The black and white worked better than color. The color just didn’t work so I scraped it and used black and white. I really like my pictures and I hope you like them too.





24 colors-Xavier

These are some of my pictures. The challenge was to find places with colors that match with some crayons. It was fun seeing how creative we could get to match each colors. The hardest colors to get were all the shades of orange, neon pink, and brown. This was so hard because most of the colors I found were blues and red, you know, usual colors so the absurd colors were hard to find.  My favorite photos were green yellow and brown because those almost match perfectly. This project was really fun and you can find more at the link below.



Hello world!

Hi, my name is Xavier, I’m an 8th grader from Maryland. My favorite hobby is playing basketball, it’s my ONLY hobby!…Just kidding, but it is my favorite thing to do. Throughout the summer I played basketball every day, and for about 3 hours. I also play for an AAU team, but our season ending in June, sadly. I played point guard for my team, my team didn’t go great this year, we finished 3-5, but we made the playoffs. That could speak to the toughest of our league, or the softness. Either way, I’m glad to be on the team, it gave me my basketball nickname, Dead-eye. I love it. I got that nickname by hitting 5 three’s in my AAU tryout.


Other things I enjoy to do are playing video games, going to the movies, and reading. My favorite book is The Tale Of Despereaux. It’s a book about a tiny mouse with giant ears overcoming the odds and saving England from a bunch of low down rats. My favorite video game is no doubt, Pac-Man World 2. The game makes Pac-Man’s World bigger than just a maze, the story is kinda iffy, but the nostalgia gets to me. I don’t really have a favorite movie, but my favorite types of movies are superhero movies and mobster movies, but I’m also a sucker for romance. My favorite show is a mix between, How I Met Your Mother, Parks and Recreation, The Office, and 30 Rock. So I’m guessing you know what my favorite type of show is. Even though basketball is my favorite sport I also play football, soccer, and basketball. Another hobby of mine is biking, it’s a fun way to get around places quicker.

These are just a couple of things you should know about me.