
The purpose of this project was to make it look as though the subject of the photo had been Photoshoped into the picture.  To make this happen we first had to change the settings on our camera.  Once this was completed, all the lights were turned off except for a single hand held lamp.  It takes at least three people to take one photo;one person to take the photo, one person to be in the photo, and another to hold the light and angle it.  Once the picture was taken, you had to edit it in Photoshop using the curve tool.  This allows you to control what part of the photo darkens and which part becomes lighter.  You might also need to crop the photo to get rid of any excess background.  My group found it challenging to find the right lighting without making there be too much background.  We had to angle it so the person’s shadow was out of the shot.  It also helped to be farther away from the wall.  

Here’s a link to all the photos!https://photos.app.goo.gl/8I70LxFeeOLpLUIa2

1 Object, 5 Shots

1 Object, 5 Shots, is a pretty self explanatory project.  You have to find three items and take 5 separate pictures of the same thing from different angels.   At least one of these objects had to be a person.  During this project I found it slightly difficult to get 5 different interesting shots of the same item.  It was useful to take pictures of objects that stood up on its own and had an underbelly, but good shots were challenging to find none the less.  I think the most unfavorable thing to photograph was a person, but not because it was physically strenuous to take there picture.  The hardship was more on an emotional level, as it is extremely awkward to shove a camera 5 inches away from someones face for the perfect shot.  Hardships aside, this activity allowed me to find interesting angels that are different and more eye catching.  I’m sure that this experience will help me in future projects.


Here are the rest of mt photo’s!












24 Colors

See the rest of my pictures here!


24 Colors was an assignment in which we took a 24 box of crayons and looked around our world for colors that matched it.  This was meant to make us look for the color in our everyday life.  The 24 Colors project was fairly easy, but I still had a few problems.  A few colors like orange and purple where hard to find within the confines of the school.  Therefore I had to take pictures after school to find all the colors that I needed.  But the rest of the pack was easy enough to find withing school.  I found this project enjoyable, and I look forward to future projects in this class.