white background!

In this project, we had to adjust the shutter speed and the amount of light that came into the photo. We produced a photo that looked like there was no background. It was an easier process to take the white photos then the black. This is because the white background fit in with the picture better and it was easier to find which setting the camera  needed to capture the right picture. The settings worked great and by standing further from the wall, the picture came out better. I thought the light didn’t help as much as I thought it would. For the black background we didn’t use any background because we took all the light out of the photo and the background just looked black. However in the white background pictures, we used a white sheet of paper on the wall and stepped a couple feet off of the wall the capture the image. This was efficient because you couldn’t see the persons shadow.

For the rest of my photos go to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5dmoY9FptdZtnsbd2

Black Background!

This project we had  to take photos and adjust the settings (ISO and shutter speed) to make it look like there is no background or just in all black. As you can see, the background is all black and we used spotlights to show just the face in the picture. When editing the photos, I cropped out some of the background and adjusted the photo with the setting curves. I made the lighting change and adjusted the amount of light coming into the photo. It was challenging to take the photo and have the settings at the right spot. But once I got the settings right, it was easy to put the spotlight where it needed to be and take the correct photo.

To see the rest of my link go to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yu5KCYHjZF4GPhTr1