Snapchat Review


The app I chose to review is Snapchat.  Snapchat allows you to send and receive photos and videos that self destruct after a few seconds.  Snapchat uses the phones camera to take photos and videos to send either directly to someone or you can post it on your story so that all your friends can see it.  Snapchat allows you to view a picture anywhere from 1 to 10 seconds and the viewer can only see it once.  Snapchat is my favorite photo app because it is a way to communicate with my friends and see all the fun things people are doing.  Here are some examples of pictures I’ve taken on Snapchat: 



24 Colors


In this project we were given 24 crayons and we were told to match the crayon to an object and then take a picture of it.  Some of the challenges of the project were to match the color exactly.  That was hard because there were four oranges and three blues that looked really alike so it was hard to match it to the correct background.  Some things I found to be easy were to take bland colors and match them.  The primary colors were easy to match.  Above are my four favorite pictures.  My overall favorite picture is the green one standing next to the stick of bamboo.  That was taken in my house and I think it looks perfect.