Light Graffiti!


For this project, we had to switch the camera to manual, ISO 100, and the shutter speed to about thirteen seconds. First, you have to turn all the lights out and the background needs to be dark. Make sure the settings are correct as the same ones as above. Next you need to have a light source. For example, we used a flashlight, Christmas lights, and any light available. Next, press the photo button and start to draw with the light facing the camera. Whenever the light is on, it will show up in the picture. You also need to light up the person who is in the photo if you want to see them. Taking the photo and drawing was easy but making sure there were no extra lines of light was difficult during some photos. It was very frustrating working with some people but at the end we did it! #goteam Next time when I do this project, I would use more lights and different colors to take this project to the next level.

To see the rest of my beautiful photos, click on the link:


App Review!

The app I used was snap chat. Snap chat is an app for many people to take pictures and videos with many types of filters and send them to friends or put it on a story where all of their friends can see. Snap chat is totally my favorite because i like the filters and stickers I can add to a photo.
Here is a photo I took with the app:

My favorite website I used was Polarr. It is a website that you can upload photos and edit them with different filters and settings. I like this website because it had good filters and quality. This is the link to the website:

Here is the photo I edited:


I used the Fire Escape photo by Stanley J. Foreman in 1976. As they were coming down from the fire escape, the ladder fell and the 19 year old kid died while the two year old kid lived. This is photo was very sad and felt to the heart. People around thought that they would be okay but they weren’t. I was drawn to the photo because the setting and scene of the photo was very capturing.

I also used the photo Camera Captures Horror by Charles Porter IV by 1995. The fireman holding the baby from the deadly terrorist attack. This photo is very sad and touching. The photo had very good lighting and it was a good photo.

If I was taking the photo, I don’t think I would be able to separate being a person and photographer during these times because it was very tragic and emotional. Most photographers had to separate their personal life and job during these attacks. For the ones who did a good job, their photos turned out well and really captured the moment and what was happening at that time.

My favorite photo was the FBI exhibit. I liked the artifacts and readings about the bombings and attacks. They were very interesting and caught my attention. I thought it stood out to me compared to all of the other exhibits. The FBI exhibit had many  different stories and attacks that were told in detail. For example, there was a story about how ISIS captured one of ours and held him hostage while torturing and eventually killed him. Therefore, the FBI exhibit was one of the best exhibits I saw at the Newseum. bye now.

Link to the Pulitzer Prize can be found here:
