Light Graffiti

For this project we had our camera settings on ISO 100, and on bulb mode. First you want to turn your lights off if your indoors and go to a dark place if your outside. when you are drawing, make sure that your light is pointed towards the camera and not away. If you want the background to be visible you would take your light and point it away from the camera and flood it with light. It could be frustrating if you don’t have bulb mode because you will have to put a timer. Also, if something needs to be perfect but you mess it up will be frustrating.








Photo app review

Worm: Worm is mainly a filming app but you can ONLY get photos/covers from a video that is over 60 fps. It is used for extreme sports like skateboarding, BMX, snowboarding/skiing, swimming, you could also use drones for scenery, and other sports. The cool thing about worm is that you can hold down the video and it will play in slow-mo. this app is my favorite because i am a skateboarder and i want to see what others post and i want people to see my post and progression in skateboarding.

Instagram: Instagram is a social media app that lets you take photos and videos and upload/post them into your story or permanently into your profile. I personally like it because there are different communities and you can upload a lot of things that interest you and/or others.


we went and saw really cool things and photos. the Pulitzer prize photos were really amazing and some were terrifying like this one.

Image result for pulitzer prize photos