Category: Portaits

White Background

White Background

I don’t have a picture of myself because I didn’t make the cut?!?!?

First to take the photos I changed the manual setting on the camera to make the back ground invisible. I also clipped external lights to objects around the background to make sure that that the background was fully white and infinite. I used adobe Photoshop to edit these white background photos. I changed the curves and changed the hue and saturation. As you can see, the background is infinite and you cant see it. Some challenges of this project were to make sure there were no shadows on the white background.

Portaits-Ansh Patel

Portaits-Ansh Patel

Picture taken and edited by Adam Gotkin

This week in class we took photos and edited them into black and white. We stood in front of a black background and used chairs and other items as props. On the camera we used the manual setting to make the photos dark and changed the ISO, shutter speed and f-stop. We used external lights to make the light come in from different angles. After we took the photos we used Adobe Photoshop to edit them. We messed with the curves and light levels. I also changed the hue and saturation.

The rest of my photos: