Author: Ansh

Ansh’s app review-IPhone

Ansh’s app review-IPhone

My favorite photo editing app is Adobe Photoshop.

This app is used to edit photos and make pictures look amazing. With this app you can save your regularly used filters and can choose from over 50 different other ones. You can also rotate the pictures, change the lighting, and add different texts. I like this app because it provides a very easy was to edit photos but also is effective.


24 Colors

24 Colors

This project was challenging in many different ways. Finding the exact colors that match the crayons was very difficult because everyday objects are not bright, but finding some colors were very easy. Finding white, black, orange and blue were easy because they were around every corner of the school. I found this project very fun because we got to roam around the school and look around every inch of the walls and floor.