

For a closer look at these pictures, click the link below…


Taking a photography class was an amazing experience!! My thoughts have definitely changed on photography. Although I was always interested in trying photography, the things I learned made me much more interested in the hobby. I have changed the way I take pictures because of the new rules I learned. I learned about the many techniques for taking better pictures such as the Rule of Thirds. These techniques have enhanced my photos greatly, making me enjoy taking them more. My favorite project was this project because I given a lot of freedom. I was able to take pictures however I wanted, and edit them to my satisfaction. Although I ave enjoyed photography this year, it does interest me as a career. I would rather do something more adventurous, or helpful, as a career. I don’t know if I will continue participating in the class, but if I have the opportunity I will, most likely.  I liked most of the pictures I took this year, but this one was my favorite..



This week in photography, my class and I did a project where we took two different pictures of the same person. The first picture was before we asked them to smile, and the second picture was after. Some of these pictures are of people that I didn’t know before this project. It was challenging to go up to these new people because I had no clue who they were. Sometimes people said no, when I asked to take their picture, and then I had to move on. The rest of the project was fairly simple. These pictures help me realize that you shouldn’t judge someone on the way they look, or on their first impression. I had to apply this while taking pictures of people. In the before pictures, the person looks less friendly, and less approachable.  But, in the after pictures the person looks like a very nice person. During this project, I learned that a smile can change your whole appearance for the better.