
In this final project, we had to take two pictures of one subject. These pictures had to be different, one took little effort while the other one required a different angle with editing. To edit it, I turned the brightness down, and sharpness up with lots of different filters. I really this class because I thought I knew a lot about photography but I learned a lot more. The smile project was my favorite, because it made me realize that everyone is different than they look. Now, when I take photos I take more time ad think about the background and composition. I’ve always loved photography because it gives me something to do, and I can see things from different perspectives. Below is one of my favorite pictures from this whole semester, I had so many to choose from and this was a hard decision. This was taken  from the lights project which gave us lots of freedom.



This week in photography my class was required to take photos of people smiling vs a straight face. We took 30 photos of 15 people. First, I asked them to keep a straight face and then I politely asked them to smile. Some of these people I knew some of them were strangers that I had asked over winter break.  Some challenges of this project were asking people I didn’t know to smile, otherwise it was easy to take two simple pictures. I can tell why some people can view others a certain way before getting to meet them, because of their appearance. Some of the people In these slideshows have appearances that come off to be judgy, in a standoff way. Others continue to look happy even when they are not smiling. 

My job as a photographer is too come into taking pictures is to have a clear mind and not judge people by the way they look. Sometimes, you can see the story in people’s eyes, and others not so much. I learned a lot from this project and I enjoyed it. 


This week in Photography class my class and I visited the Newsuem. I visited many exhibits such as the Pulitzer Prize, FBI, and News History. The Pulitzer Prize was my favorite. These pictures were award winners, many of them telling a tragic story.  I learned about how hard times were in different countries during different times.  This also included the Berlin Wall and the Death Tower.  Going into these exhibits gave me a certain feeling of fear. This picture is of people that lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. This was one of the most devastating natural disaster in the US, more than 1800 people lost their lives. This picture was taken by Smiley Pool. Taking this photo would make me rethink everything I have and I would become more grateful that this didn’t hit where I was. 

 This picture was taken of the “World Trade Center Attack”. This tragic event occurred on September 11, 2001. This was located in New York City, the buildings on fire are the Twin Towers. This picture is chilling and crazy to even think about how many people were in the buildings at that time and how close the photographer was, I would be scared and depressed that I couldn’t do anything to help. This picture was taken by Steve Ludlum. 

Lastly this was one of the exhibits, the News Room. This exhibit was for the most popular news the US. For each even they had a detailed description. It was really intriguing to see how time has changed has changed our culture and events. If I was a photographer of the Pulitzer Prize photo I don’t think I could ever go back to having a normal life. Everywhere I went I would see something I took and regret the fact that I was there and couldn’t help.



Set In The Street

In the project “Set in the Street” we copied a professional photographer in New York City who made a set to look like a realistic settings in public areas. We built an old living room with an couch, a chair, and coffee table, and lamps. Included in the set there was cards, books, and picture frames for detail. We got all these materials from different teachers. The set also had a wall that we painted. In order to make this wall, we trimmed and cut the wood to fit the set length. The wall itself took several days to build.The class used materials such as drills, hammers, nails, and screws to make the wall. After the set was complete we asked students and adults at our Art Night to join the set while we took their picture. The final product was cool to see and many people enjoyed it. The picture below shows my friends and I posing in the set (I was the one asleep). One is cropped while the other is not.



There is no gallery selected or the gallery was deleted.

I am thankful for Mr.Banks. I am thankful for Mr.Banks because he is the best teacher I have had at LPMS. He knows my strengths and weaknesses and how to help. In class he also has a great sense of humor. I still comeback to visit him and tell him how my 8th grade year is going.


I am thankful for my best friends because I know they will always support me. They know when I’m upset and how to cheer me up. When I’m with them I can be honest and they help me with any problem. They know how to have a good time and be fun.


I am thankful for my soccer team because they are there for me on and off the field. On the field they are supportive, and help me when I need it. My coach pushes me to be the best person and player I can be.

I am thankful for my dog, Spot. I am thankful for Spot because he is so fun to be around and he cheers me up all the time. He is super hyper and is always happy. 

I am thankful for my brother because I know will always have my back. I can trust him with him anything and we have been through everything together. 

I am thankful for my grandparents because they take care of me when I need it. they have been alive longer than I have and know how to help me through everything.

I am thankful for America. I am thankful for America because there is lots of freedom and I am proud to live in this country.





Rule of Thirds

In this “Rule of Thirds” project required us to take pictures using the Rule of Thirds rule. The rule of Thirds is used when the main subject is lined up on one of the three by  three lines, in order to draw attention to other things in the picture. The easy parts of this project was top place a person on the lines. One of the difficulties of this project was finding natural things without people and putting them on the lines. I took about 20 pictures in this project but this was one of my favorites..

. Here is the link to the rest of the photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/qKTpximLQal17KHB2

Light Graffiti

In this project we were supposed to take pictures using light photography with our flashlights. A key part of this project was the ISO and shutter speed. The shutter speed allowed us to move the lights to make the shape we wanted, while all that was happening the camera was taking in all the light being flashed. The shutter speed was usually 15 seconds but  in some cases we shortened it. In some scenarios we would want our person to be seen, so we would  shine with the flashlight and other times we kept them dark. In the picture above, we lit the person in the middle after we made the wings, the blue line behind the wing is there because the person lighting them forgot to turn off  the light, but the final product was cool.

One of the challenges of this project was to make sure to have the right timing and not get the people behind the scenes in the background. This was my favorite project so far, because we had lots of freedom and creativity. Here is the link to the rest of my  photos. https://photos.app.goo.gl/KmNW8GE9g2IRlXNq2

White Backgrounds

This week in class we had to take pictures with white backgrounds. In order to do this we had to adjust the ISO, and shutter speed to make the backgrounds have no shadows. Another challenge with this assignment was to make the background white as well as having good lighting on the person’s face.  Everything else on the project were simple fixes such as the distance from the background and angle of the lights. This is one of my favorites because the background looks infinite. The bottom one is me taken by Ella.

This is the link to the rest of the photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/C2vQXEW9zispiTaP2

Black Background Portraits


Last week during class our assignment was to take pictures of our classmates with black backgrounds. This is one of my favorite favorites of my friend.  The lighting is coming through the bottom of the picture making everything else stand out. In order to get the correct lighting you need to use the ISO and right shutter speed. This was edited in Adobe Photoshop, where we could adjust the curves of black and light.  One challenge of this assignment was getting the light in the right spot so the photo wasn’t to light or dark. This is the link to the rest of the photos taken. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qr12p9pCKh9OXJtd2

This is a photo of me taken by Mia using the same editing application.

Online App Review BeFunky Reese Owens

The online photo editing app I used was BeFunky. It includes settings like graphics, texts, textures, and overlay. They also have a huge range of filters to choose from. The text includes many different fonts to go with your theme. There is also, brightness, contrast, highlights, and shadows which you can control. I like this app because you can control how much you put a certain setting. Secondly, there is a lot of filters to choose from. https://www.befunky.com/  These are some of the pictures I edited on BeFunky.