In the project “Set in the Street” we copied a professional photographer in New York City who made a set to look like a realistic settings in public areas. We built an old living room with an couch, a chair, and coffee table, and lamps. Included in the set there was cards, books, and picture frames for detail. We got all these materials from different teachers. The set also had a wall that we painted. In order to make this wall, we trimmed and cut the wood to fit the set length. The wall itself took several days to build.The class used materials such as drills, hammers, nails, and screws to make the wall. After the set was complete we asked students and adults at our Art Night to join the set while we took their picture. The final product was cool to see and many people enjoyed it. The picture below shows my friends and I posing in the set (I was the one asleep). One is cropped while the other is not.