Category: Period 8


I had a lot of fun this semester of photography class. Our class has done so many different projects and each of them has shown me something new about photography.  A lot of our projects were collaborative projects, like Light Graffiti. I didn’t even know that it was even...
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Getting Up Close

In this project, I had to take close up pictures of 5 things that are living and 5 objects. We had to switch the setting on the camera or phone to Macro so that the camera could know that we are trying to take close up pictures, and focus...
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Set In The Street

In this project, we built a kitchen set in the middle of our schools hallway. This idea was taken from the photographer Justin Bettman. His idea was to place photography sets in public. After we set all the walls up, we took turns bringing props and took pictures of...
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Then I Asked Them To Smile

 The most difficult part of this project was finding people to take pictures of and keeping a serious face when I go up to ask someone if I can take their picture. I am a person that laughs and smiles a lot so I can never keep a serious...
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Light Graffiti

My group took our pictures in our school’s main gym. Turned off all the lights so it would be pitch black so the camera could take in as much light from our flashlights as possible. On the camera’s setting, we had to leave the shutter open for as long...
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Rule Of Thirds

My favorite photo is a picture that I took of trees that looked as if they were in a straight line. My other favorite photo is a picture of Bebe one of my classmates jumping. What worked is positioning my camera or phone in a straight direction. Also trying...
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Portraits Black Backround

For this project, I had to use a camera and learn how to change the ISO to make it look like there was a black background behind the person I was taking pictures of. Also, I had to change the shutter speed so it can stay open for a longer...
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5 Shots

For my project I was assigned to take pictures of 1 person and three other objects(five photos each).One challenge I faced was taking pictures of the red stairs on the stage in the cafeteria.The difficult part was the lighting and the way I had to position the camera and...
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24 Colors

For my first 1st project I had to take 24 pictures of 24 colors in a box of crayons.I went around my neighborhood and my school to find colors that matched colors in my box of crayons. What I have learned from this project is I am starting to...
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