Black Background


For this project, we posed in front of a backdrop with the lights off. One person in the group adjusted the camera, to make the  For this project, we turned off the lights in the room so it would be pitch dark. Then we would have one person in the group work with the light. They would have to find the right angle so the light would only hit the persons face. This way the background would seem darker. We also had someone taking the picture.  The camera person had to adjust the ISO which controlled the amount of light being let in and they had to adjust the shutter which was to see how fast the photo was to be taken. Then in Photoshop, we were to edit the color to make sure there are no shadows that you can see and we were able to turn the picture black or white or keep it colored. One thing that didn’t work was being to close to the wall if we were then we could see shadows. One thing that did work was holding the camera close to the person. This worked because it got rid of the shadows and the picture came out a lot brighter.


Photo credits go to Briana Niles


The link below has other pictures my group took. 

5 Shots

For this assignment we had to take a picture of 2 still objects and 1 person that does not move from its pose. We need to take 5 different angles of each picture. The challenging part to this assignment was find objects that you can see under and have all different angles. The hardest photograph was the door handle cause it was hard to get an photo from underneath. This project helped me find different ways to take pictures with different angles.

To see more of my photos check out the link

24 colors

During this assignment we had to use a pack of 24 crayons and find colors to match the color of the crayons. Some of the challenges of this project were finding matches for the apricot and different shade of oranges. I thought these were difficult because outside all the leaves were all brown and there are not a lot of orange stuff around the school. I really thought it was easily to find neutral crayons like black and white. Though colors seemed really common throughout the school.


Check out the rest of my photos here: