Catch the Action

In this project the objective was to take successful shots of people or objects in motion.  In this project I took all my pictures outside of school.  I tried during class but I didn’t like how bland and generic the pictures I was taking looked.  So I went for a different angle.  I went hiking this past weekend and got a bunch of great shots of running water.  During this project I always had to have my camera out.  It only takes a moment for an action be over, it is very easy to miss the opportunity window.  Therefore I didn’t really set up most of my shots.  While I did set up my pictures of musical instruments by telling them to play, I did not set up most shots.  This may sound unprofessional,  but I just took a bunch of pictures and hoped of the best.   Cut me some slack, I’m only a middle school student after all.  My biggest tip is to always be ready and alert, because action is always happening around you.  Take a lot of pictures, as many as you can.  A few are bound to turn out.  If I could do this project and photograph any sport, I would defiantly choose sumo wrestling.  I feel like that would be hilarious to shoot!  There is a lot of action and jiggling fat, a giant showdown of beast pinned against beast.  Who wouldn’t want to take a photo of that?

If you want to see my photo’s click on this link!








Up Close

This project required students to take very up close and personal shots of objects.  The entirety of the picture, or at least most of it, was filled up with a small object making it look larger.  To get this kind of photograph students needed to use the macro settings on their cameras.  This allows them to take clear, up close pictures.  This project was a bit challenging for me because of the camera I was using.  Getting super up close to an object, even on Macro, can make it hard for the camera to focus.  I ended up having to spend a very long time just getting the camera to focus on the right thing.  But once I got it to focus the pictures came out really well and I’m proud of the results.  One thing I didn’t have trouble with was finding subjects.  I went into the woods because I thought there might be some cool things to take pictures of.  I ended up seeing a rabbit, a herd of deer, a deer skull, as well as a doe that let me take photos of it for about 30 mins!  At school I also found 2 turtles.  Overall, I found a lot of wildlife during this project.  Even thought some of these pictures couldn’t be used for this project, I had a lot of fun taking them.  If I could take pictures for this project anywhere in the world, with high quality equipment and lots of time, I would go to the rain forest.  There are thousands of exotic and breathtakingly beautiful flowers, plants, and animals in rain forests!  And I know it would be EXTREMELY dangerous, but I would love to take a close up of a jaguar’s face. It would be a dream come true.  Though I will admit the bugs would be a bit vexing.

If you want to see all the pictures I took, go to this link!