Author: Samantha



This project is about taking what we have learned and comparing it to our skills before the class. For example, the pros would be very artsy and creative with the new skills we have developed and the joes being the not so good pictures. Before I started this class, I wasn’t very good at taking photos but know I have improved majorly. This project wasn’t very hard because I used skills like rule of thirds to create good pictures. The whole semester was overall really fun. I learned new and amazing things that will come to good use. My thought haven’tr changed because I always thought photography would be fun and a good skill to learn. I have changed the way I take photos because the new skills are way more effective and they make the photos have a different perspective. My favorite project was this last one because I got to see how I have improved. Photography is something I would do for fun because I have other interests but photography is definitely something I would do as a hobby.  The photo below is a my favorite photo and the photos in my link are the good and bad photos side by side.



This project, ” Then I asked her to smile”, is about going up to people and asking them if we could take a picture of them smiling and not smiling. This project shows personality. Some people look different when in public but they can actually be really nice people! The smiling shows that they are a fun, nice person and it was easy to take because everyone was nice. It was hard to find a good background for the photos but in the end, I was more comfortable about the smiling people. Here’s an example and a link foe the rest of the people;




This is the Columbine Massacre photo. It was taken by George Kochaniec in 2000. This is a very emotional photo because 2 students had just stormed the school with weapons and explosives. This photo shows students outside the school hugging and crying. This photo makes me sad because it is awful for a kid to go through such trauma. This photo also make me feel bad for all the students and their losses. The thing that drew me to this photo was the mans face and seeing how hurt he was.


This is the Horror of war photo. It was taken by Huynh Cong in 1973. This is a very disturbing photo because women and children are running and screaming up and down a dirt road. This photo makes me feel sympathetic because Vietnam planes had just dropped napalm on a village. What really drew me to think photo was the poor children without clothes. This photo really got me feeling sad.

Being a photojournalist must be very challenging because of the traumas you capture. Also, the danger it puts you in and the risks you must take. I honestly don’t think I could do that job based on the photos I’ve seen. These photographers must have been brave people.

Besides the Pulitzer Prize photo gallery, The 2nd exhibit I visited was the 9/11 Gallery and Film. This attacked had effected many people in 2001. The southern tower was hit first. It was also the first to collapse. Bill Biggart was the only photographer who was killed in this awful tragedy. Another photographer named Richard Drew had captured a man jumping from the tower. See the picture below;

In the end, 3 firemen then raised an American Flag after both of the buildings went down. This exhibit fit the museum because the museum showed both traumatizing and happy moments for people to learn about.


Set in the Street

Set in the Street

This project, set in the street, was a challenge. First, we started to build the sides with 2 by 4 pieces of wood to make the frame. Next, we took 4 by 8 pieces of dry wall to make the frame into a wall. After building the background, we painted over it and made sure that it looked good. Then we put the three sides of the wall to the atrium to put them all together. After we did that, we positioned the wall into the place we wanted our set to be. There were some difficulties but our set was outstanding. Finally, we got furniture and other items you might find in your house to make it look like a living room. Below are some pictures we took of the set at arts night. Here’s a time lapse video of the process.

7 Days

7 Days

My first photo is my school. I am thankful for Lakelands because all the teachers here dedicate their time to giving me and education. The second photo is my Lakelands softball team. Although the season is over, I was very thankful to have these girls on my team because they made  it a fun experience. My third photo is on of my cats, Pajamas. I am thankful for this cat because he is so cute and entertaining. My fourth picture is My other cat, Doodles. I am thankful for my other cat because she is always by my side and she is super soft. My fifth picture is the Gaylord National hotel on the National Harbor. I am thankful for this place because I go there every year for Christmas and there is always fun activities to do. My sixth picture is the movie Trolls. I am thankful for this movie because it is my favorite movie and always makes me laugh. My last picture is me and my family at the National Harbor’s Ice. I am thankful for my family because they are funny and they take care of me.



    Displaying IMG_6295.JPG



Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is when you align an object or person on a line a grid, like a tic-tac-toe board, so that your eye can travel smoothly to that object then make it’s way to the rest of the photo. This was a bit difficult because you had to decide what line on the grid on your camera you wanted the object to be on. You also had to make sure it was perfectly on the line so the object and/or person draws your attention.

Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

For this project, we had to add ” Light Graffiti” to a person in a picture. To do this, we had to set the camera so the shutter would stay open for however many seconds we needed to make our light design. We had to take all of our photos in the dark, so before we took the pictures, we had to shine the lights on the person while the camera was focusing so the person could be in the picture. Then we did our light design. This process was a challenge but I had a lot of fun doing it. While the shutter was open when we were taking pictures, we couldn’t move or else we would be blurry in the photo. Here are our groups photos;


Here are the rest of our light graffiti photos my group took;

White Portraits

White Portraits

For this project, we had to take photos of people with white backgrounds. The process was easy and simple.  We had to change the camera settings and mess with the ISO so the pictures would come out with a pure white background. The people had to stand away from the walls so there would be no shadows from the lights we used. Everything worked just fine and went smoothly. Here are some photos I took;



Here is a photo of me someone else took;

Here is the link to the rest of the photos I took;

Black and White Portraits

Black and White Portraits

The process of this project was to make sure all the camera settings like ISO ans shutter speed where set correctly or else the picture would have a black background. Then I had to desaturate the photo so that the photo will be in all black and white. On Adobe Photoshop, I , played around with the curves to make the photo to my liking. The curves setting on Photoshop worked really well and sometimes the IOS settings were off and we had to retake pictures because they didn’t have a black background. Here is one photo I took;

Here is one photo of me that was taken and edited by someone else;

Here is the link to the rest of my edited black and white portraits;

App Review

App Review

My favorite photo app is Snapchat. I like Snapchat because there are quick and easy filters and pictures are taken fast. Snapchat is used to take photos and videos then you can send them to your friends or post on your story (everyone your friends with on the app can see your story). Here are some of the photos taken with the app;



My favorite online app is BeFunky. I like BeFunky because there are editing tools you can’t find anywhere else! With BeFunky, you can BE FUNKY! There are tools like cartooonizer, oil-painting, and pop art effects. Here is a photo edited with the app;