

This project is about taking what we have learned and comparing it to our skills before the class. For example, the pros would be very artsy and creative with the new skills we have developed and the joes being the not so good pictures. Before I started this class, I wasn’t very good at taking photos but know I have improved majorly. This project wasn’t very hard because I used skills like rule of thirds to create good pictures. The whole semester was overall really fun. I learned new and amazing things that will come to good use. My thought haven’tr changed because I always thought photography would be fun and a good skill to learn. I have changed the way I take photos because the new skills are way more effective and they make the photos have a different perspective. My favorite project was this last one because I got to see how I have improved. Photography is something I would do for fun because I have other interests but photography is definitely something I would do as a hobby.  The photo below is a my favorite photo and the photos in my link are the good and bad photos side by side.





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