
This semester was very fun. My thoughts on photography have not changed. My sister and my father love taking pictures, and they’re very good at it. I’m just not as good as them, and I obviously won’t ever be as good, but I’m glad that I got to learn new techniques to make my pictures better. I have changed the way I take pictures. For example, when I was taking a picture of someone, I would want them to be in the middle. Now I know that if I want to have the picture focus on a person, you should put them on the thirds. Also, when taking a picture of a landscape, you want either 2/3 of the sky or the ground. One of my favorite projects was the Up Close project. I liked this project because it was cool to try macro shots. I will take photography in high school, but I don’t think I will need it for my career path.

Here are my photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/4rQXbeFFqd7zz23J3

Getting Close

Outdoor pictures worked better and it was easier to find an object to take a picture of. Indoor pictures were harder to take, also finding objects inside were hard to find. It was also hard to focus on certain objects because you had to be very close up. If I had time, I would like to take pictures of flowers with raindrops on them.

Click here to see the rest of my pictures: https://photos.app.goo.gl/zers4vd3ZuAMpnP33

5 Shots

For this project, me and my classmates had to take pictures of 3 different objects. For each photo, there had to be a different angle and position. A challenge was getting all 5 photos and making sure that they were different angles. The hardest object to photograph was probably the crayon, because since it was resting on the table, there weren’t that many good and different angles to use. It helped me realize that moving the camera angle is not the same as just moving around and taking different pictures.  

Click here to see all 15 of my photos:



My Logo

Whenever I need a picture for a class, I usually look them up on Google. I have never contacted the photographer, and I have never thought about contacting them. For some projects, I do give credit to the photographer. Sometimes I will put the link to all of the photos that I used. If someone ever used my pictures for a project, I would want them to give me credit for taking the picture. My logo, is a big circle with one side cut off. On the empty side, I put photography in all caps with a simple font. In a fancier font, I put my initials to fill up the circle. It was pretty easy to make my logo. The only hard part was getting the word “photography” to curve with the circle.