Smile Project

For me, the most difficult part of this project was to tell people not to smile. They felt awkward, and didn’t really want to take the picture anymore. Some people looked very different when they smiled. They looked very mean and scary when they made a serious face. Although, once they smiled, they looked like a complete different person. Bias can affect photographers because they might want to take pictures of people, but might ignore some people because they don’t want to bother someone since they look intimidating. If I was taking pictures of people, I would ask them what they’re looking for in the picture. Here is my favorite picture:


Click here to see all of my pictures:

App Review

Original:                                                  VSCO:


The name of the phone app I used is VSCO. On VSCO, you can edit pictures and even take pictures and videos on the app. I really like using this app because it has many different filters and ways to edit your pictures. Also, you can follow people and post your edited pictures for other people to see. I use this app to edit all of my Instagram pictures.


This website is also used to edit pictures. This website is different because you can add text and other cool details to your pictures. I like this website because it is very easy to use.

Light Graffiti

We took our pictures with professional cameras. We had to change our ISO to 100, F5.6, and our shutter speed differed on the picture. We had to press the button, and then move the lights around to say something or be something. Since we changed the shutter speed to a longer period of time, we have up to 15 seconds to draw.  It was pretty easy to draw the pictures with the light. Also, flooding people with the light so that you could see them worked. Although, sometimes the lights wouldn’t be facing the camera completely, or we wouldn’t get the right shape. It would be cool to get many different colors to make a really cool picture.

Click here to see the pics:


I think a big struggle of taking these images is actually being at the event. This is because some events are very dangerous, like a war or a shooting. A  reward is winning the Pulitzer prize and making money. No matter what, you will always remember the event that you were at, whether it was good or bad. For the picture on the right, even though he couldn’t help the little girl out, I would not take a picture and find something to do to help her. For the one on the right, I could definitely take the picture since it’s pretty happy. Although, I wouldn’t be able to climb up the mound of bodies. The Berlin Wall was very cool. I think this is cool because they had a piece of the wall in the exhibit and it had cool graffiti on it.