Author: Sam

Hi I am Sam. I am in 8th grade and I play for a travel soccer team. I'm dedicated to sports because I come from an athletic family. I play forward and right wide on my team. I am a very fast runner and I get my speed from my dad. My favorite subject in school is English because I like writing and reading. Starting 8th grade is exciting but scary because high school is right around the corner.
24 Colors

24 Colors

For this project, I worked all around the school to find colors on posters, lockers, and in classrooms to match the crayons. In this set of 4, I put what I thought was the most creative and colorful ones I took.


My Logo

My Logo

 My logo is the shape of a camera to show my photography skill. It has a bright green touch because my favorite color is green. My initials are SR so I put that in what looks like the camera lens.-