
In this final project, we had to take two pictures of one subject. These pictures had to be different, one took little effort while the other one required a different angle with editing. To edit it, I turned the brightness down, and sharpness up with lots of different filters. I really this class because I thought I knew a lot about photography but I learned a lot more. The smile project was my favorite, because it made me realize that everyone is different than they look. Now, when I take photos I take more time ad think about the background and composition. I’ve always loved photography because it gives me something to do, and I can see things from different perspectives. Below is one of my favorite pictures from this whole semester, I had so many to choose from and this was a hard decision. This was taken  from the lights project which gave us lots of freedom.



This week in photography my class was required to take photos of people smiling vs a straight face. We took 30 photos of 15 people. First, I asked them to keep a straight face and then I politely asked them to smile. Some of these people I knew some of them were strangers that I had asked over winter break.  Some challenges of this project were asking people I didn’t know to smile, otherwise it was easy to take two simple pictures. I can tell why some people can view others a certain way before getting to meet them, because of their appearance. Some of the people In these slideshows have appearances that come off to be judgy, in a standoff way. Others continue to look happy even when they are not smiling. 

My job as a photographer is too come into taking pictures is to have a clear mind and not judge people by the way they look. Sometimes, you can see the story in people’s eyes, and others not so much. I learned a lot from this project and I enjoyed it.